Viewing entries tagged
Iso Open

WoD - Friday 28th May, 2020

WoD - Friday 28th May, 2020

That Friday feeling with an absolutely banging weekend coming up. Weather is mental good and I seriously hope that your beer is cold!

I will be leading this weekend’s Saturday class and am putting forward a theme…fitness & support your local business!
I don’t have anything special that I want you to make, bake or get dressed up in for the workout but, in some, I charge you to support a small business.
Use a take-a-way for your Saturday night meal, follow them on social media and share a post, tell a friend or write a review. Whatever you think will help as every single one of them was started through passion and commitment. The owners worked their respective private parts off to get them off the ground and made significant sacrifices for the service of others.
We are going to want to have those suckers to go back to once this period ends.


CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

The final in the series, the last chance to dominate. The clock won’t save you now, this one is for time…
Iso Open WOD 5
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Dumbbell thrusters (50/35lb)*
Dumbbell facing burpees

*half of the reps on each arm

1 Dumbbell (50/35lbs) or lighter
1 Kettlebell (24/16kg) or lighter
1 Rucksack

Warm up
3 Rounds of:
Run 200m
10 Goblet cossack lunges
15 Light loaded thrusters
5 Burpees

For this, and every other Iso Open WoD, please records scores to this google sheet (link). As this is for time and doesn’t require a rep count, please insert your time as one number.
For example. If I complete the work in 10:01 then my score will be 1001 no decimal points. Easy.

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WoD - Friday 22nd May, 2020

WoD - Friday 22nd May, 2020

So then, we go on! The Iso Open is into it’s penultimate week of this hot competition and there is only one way to get involved. Lace up your nanos, do your cossak squats and get those double unders linked (no one wants attractive whip marks on a bank holiday Monday!

On that note, Monday will only see one led zoom class at 10:00am. The codes will be the same as the regular 8am & 6pm.

Further, keep your eyes peeled on FB for a bad ass social gathering for a Super Sunday Sesh, organised by the SS…Social Secretaries. Chill!
They are currently hard at work, organising a mad, mental evening for you all!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Iso Open WoD 4
For time:
75 Press ups
150 Double unders
50 Air squats
100 Double unders
100 Air squats
50 Double unders
150 Air squats
75 Press ups

For this, and every other Iso Open WoD, please records scores to this google sheet (link). As this is for time and doesn’t require a rep count, please insert your time as one number.
For example. If I complete the work in 10:01 then my score will be 1001 no decimal points. Easy.

Score must be uploaded by close of play on Monday please

Warm up
Go for a longer run, in the sun. 5mins out and 5mins back
2 rounds of:
30 Single unders
20 Cossak lunges
10 Walk outs with a press up


WoD - Friday 15th May, 2020

WoD - Friday 15th May, 2020

The wait is over, the third instalment of the Iso Open is here! I know you have been poised, sat by your laptops, iPhones or other electronic devices! Don’t pretend that you haven’t. You have had massively unproductive afternoons, been useless for the last few hours of your working day, and nothing to do with netflix this time!

Well do not fret, tomorrow you will be back to it?! Although maybe it would be more authentic if I released the workouts at 2am?! ;-)

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Iso Open WoD 3
Complete as many reps as possible, within 7 mins of:
Alternating dumbbell devil press (50/35lb)

For this, and every other Iso Open WoD, please records scores to this google sheet (link). Be sure to calculate the total complete reps. Shouldn’t be hard for this. ;-)

1 Dumbbell (50/35lbs) - or lighter
1 Kettlebell (24/16kg) - or lighter
1 Rucksack (good luck with that - please keep both hands on it)

Warm up
3 Rounds not for time:
30s of high knees
5 Burpees
30s High knees
10 Air squats


WoD - 1st May, 2020

WoD - 1st May, 2020

Not that she will be reading this, for many reasons but mostly because she is too old to know that I have a website or how the internet works, but…Happy Birthday to my mum! The legend that she is.

Everyone (well nearly) would say it I’m sure, but agreed by anyone who knows her, one of the most generous and genuinely selfless people I have ever met.

Is it just me or has it been everyone’s birthday’s in the last few days. Conroy can still be heard burping from Thornhill.

I am still working on the leaderboard. But, you lot have until the end of Monday to do this workout…

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD
Iso Open 20.1
As many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 etc...
Deadlift (70/50kg)
Box jumps (24/20”)

RX: 70/50kg Barbell
Options: 1 or 2 DB/KB (if 1, alternate arm per round.)
1 Rucksack

Warm up
1 minute of star jumps
5 Walk outs with 3 press ups
20 Tuck jumps
30 Good mornings
Rest 1 minute, repeat

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WoD - Wednesday 29th April, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 29th April, 2020

Exciting news…no, BoJo has not called me to say that I can open them doors again, but…he did say that he couldn’t stop us from having a cracking in house, IsoFit competition.
And that is why, this Friday I will be posting the first workout of The CrossFit Cardiff Iso Open. Told you it was exciting.

Each Friday, for three weeks, we will have an in house and at home open. The CrossFit Cardiff Iso Open. The rules are simple:

  1. Do the workout (as RX or scaled, no one cares)

  2. Get your scores submitted to the google sheet, link to be provided on Friday (awaiting to hear if this is actually possible)

  3. You have until end of play on Monday to get it done

Then, simply await the next instalment.

How exciting is that?! I know…very!! Let’s get behind it!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

5 rounds for max reps
Within 90s complete:
45s hollow hold
Max bar facing burpees
Rest 2:30 between rounds

Bodyweight is all that is required but attempt to jump over something elevated. Should you not have enough room to perform object facing, then lateral is no problem.

Warm up
30 Star jumps
60 Seconds of plank hold
10 Burpees
60 Seconds of plank hold
30 Star jumps

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

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