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WoD - Tuesday 27th February, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 27th February, 2024

Don’t you worry, not every open workout hurts as much as that… ish!

Okay I am lying, i’ve done every single one and they ALL suck! Lots of simple programming, lots of pain! SORRY! I promise it is fun though.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
75/65 Calorie row
50 Handstand push ups
25/20 Calorie row

3 Minutes max pull ups

For 5 minutes, very minute on the minute:
10 - 20s chin over bar hold

3 Sets
3 Pull up negatives (5 second descent)
10 Ring rows

3 Sets
5 Bat wings + 5s negative
15 Strict banded pull ups (unbroken)

WoD - Wednesday 10th January, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 10th January, 2024

We did this recently but luckily for your biceps and your potential Rhabdo diagnosis, we are now doing it as a partner workout. An insane amount of pull ups are coming your way, however you will be able to rest and recover between sets. How hard could it possibly be?!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
5 Handstand press ups
10 Pistol squats
15 Pull ups

These are you go, I go rounds

WoD - Thursday 19th May, 2022

WoD - Thursday 19th May, 2022

It is nearly the weekend, just a couple of workouts left and you will be sunning yourselves into bronzed adonis’s. The only issue is that before you do you have a date with the ass bike!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
15 - 12 - 9
Assault bike calories
Deficit handstand press ups (4/2 inch)

Rest 5mins
21 - 15 - 9
Assault bike calories
Handstand press ups

Bar muscle ups
A: Bar muscle up drills

B: 10 Minute EMOM
Bar muscle ups

C: 3 Sets
5 Weighted pull-ups
10 Ring push-ups
Tuck up
Pike hold
Hollow hold

WoD - Thursday 1st August, 2019

WoD - Thursday 1st August, 2019

Pinch, punch…the best month of the year hey! Except of course if you wake up with DOMs so bad you need to kip out of bed! Suller has taken the notch up a rank or two this week hey, and it’s not over yet! Luckily you haven’t got to use your shoulders again until…whatever time class you are doing today…😳

Maybe he is fighting hard to combat the infamous DadBod. By punishing everyone with beach ready workouts and causing Al Conroy to be forced to “take a knee” for around 30 minutes before feeling able enough to drive a car! Great workout!

Look out…

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Double JT
42 - 30 - 18
Handstand push ups
Ring dips
Press ups

Split the work how you see fit, take post WoD selfies of massive shoulders and get those times up to the whiteboard please…


WoD - Tuesday 5th March, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 5th March, 2019

The dust has settled and the scores have been counted. Get yourself to the leaderboard to see how you have done up against the best on the planet!

What an amazing turn out it was on Sunday night, I bet there weren’t many gym’s in Cardiff full of old age pensioners doing toes to bar at 7pm on God’s day of rest hey?!

Now we get back into the week, hitting each workout as hard as we can, creating the same intensity as you did for 19.2. Who can get a muscle up?

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg)

Please write completed rounds and reps to the whiteboard, in red if it is a PB…


WoD - Friday 23rd November, 2018

WoD - Friday 23rd November, 2018

Well I don’t know about you lot, but every single time I stand up, sit down, drop anything, pretty much fill in the gaps…a single, very real tear, rolls down my cheek! And all due to the fact that my legs are riddled with ginormous amount of muscle soreness.

Still, I guess it just proves the point. “The adaption will correlate directly with the stimulus.” Meaning that this week has given me a different stimulus, as the adaptation is very real!

At least tomorrow sees safety in numbers…

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
Run 200m
60 Double Unders
40 Handstand Push Ups
20 Deadlift (120/90kg)

In this workout, partners will alternate the run and DU’s each round, and split the remaining reps as they see fit. One athlete is working at a time. 

Please give each other a high five and a sweaty hug before writing your scores to the board…


WoD - Thursday 12th April, 2018

WoD - Thursday 12th April, 2018

Anyone still messed up from the ASSault bike? Or maybe now from having to knock out 150 wall balls? We can give your legs a little bit of a break with a cheeky sprint. 

Get after it team! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time:
10 Toes To Bar
Run 200m
10 Handstand Push Ups

Get your rapideo times scribed to the board afterwards, pretty please! 

"We sit in unique possession to the worlds most vexing problem, get off the couch and off the carbs!"

"We sit in unique possession to the worlds most vexing problem, get off the couch and off the carbs!"

WoD - Wednesday 28th March, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 28th March, 2018

Right then, see below for the first instalment of Saturday's bad ass throw down (shit fest). 

All team, once established (depending on total numbers present), captain's are able to decide who will participating in which portion of the event. Only two rules apply:

  1. Each team member must participate in at least one section, but any can do multiple.
  2. Teams must rotate fully after each section, no member can perform back to back sections.

The first two parts, along with their timings are below:


Part A

From minute 0 to minute 15
3 Team members will establish a 1 Rep-max Clean
Any style clean is allowed. 

Part B
From minute 15 to minute 25
2 Team members will perform an ascending 'DT'
3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9...continuing in this format of:
Deadlift (50/35kg)
Hang Power Clean (50/35kg)
Shoulder To Overhead (50/35kg)

Parts C and D will be released tomorrow night. E and F on Thursday, and G and H on Friday. 

Back to Oakley's death week...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For 12 Rounds, in a YGIG style:
15/12 Cal AB
10 Handstand Push-ups

Please write total time, in pairs, on the whiteboard....

red:blue:green copy.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 6th March, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 6th March, 2018

YES!! Monday night lights is juuuuuuuuuuust as awesome as any other time of week lights! Legit atmosphere and support going on through all heats, and seriously needed when your legs and lunges are burning as much as that! Maybe it was the heat coming from your legs that melted the

Now then, speaking of no excuses. Get down and go hard on this sprint...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
25/20 Cal AB
50 Pull ups* 
Rest 5mins
25/20 Cal Row
50 HSPUs*
Rest 5mins
Sprint 400m*
50 Double Unders

*Scale the HSPUs and pull ups so that they can be completed within 3 sets and quickly. The run of the final couplet is meant to be an absolute sprint, as are the calories for the bike and the row. Don't hold back, get after them hard.

Please scribe your blistering times from each couplet to the whiteboard.... 

burning legs.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 24th January, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 24th January, 2018

Welcome to the hump day...what so soon?! Doesn't time just fly by when some ginger bastard is trying to kill you will burpees and rowing. 
Hands up, anyone else's legs not work for a significant proportion of last night? Yep, mine either. 

Small house keeping point. I know that we do bad things to you and as per mentioned, your legs...but could you please, please leave your gym bags upstairs. Please. 
Think of it this way, climbing the 14 (that's it, INCLUDING the top one) stairs will encourage oxygenated blood to flood to juuuuust where it's needed. HATS, COATS, BAGS and other stuff. Please, put them upstairs where the beautifully decorated balcony affords you a bad assed view of the pain you are about to endure! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

5 sets, all within a 2min window of: 
Max strict Pull Ups
Max strict Handstand Push Ups
Max set of Double Unders
Rest 2mins after the doubs and before the HSPUs

LOOK how good it is, the view...please ignore whatever Ash is doing to Jack. "Bro'ing out!!!"

LOOK how good it is, the view...please ignore whatever Ash is doing to Jack. "Bro'ing out!!!"

WoD - Thursday 4th January, 2018

From heavy load to gymnastics...what else?? Get yourself ready for the beach...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 15mins complete the below ascending ladder:
1, 2, 3, 4 etc
2, 4, 6, 8 etc
4, 8, 12, 16 etc
Handstand Push Ups
Chest to bar pull ups
Box Jumps (24/20")

Please post rounds and reps to comments...


WoD - Thursday 21st December, 2017

How's sneezing team? Good fun? Rest up so that you can all laugh in comfort at those kick ass Christmas crackers jokes! 

So then, lets see how the legs are. We have an underused benchmark girl for you today. Mary. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20 minutes, complete as many rounds in as you can of: 
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups

busy ghd.jpg

WoD - Monday 11th December, 2017

Welcome to the week, and what a welcome! Sorry, I may as well just tell you that the ASSault bike is coming out again, but THIS are going to love it! For sure. Ish

The theme currently, is to make you feel good about yourself by descending through a favourable rep range, leading you into a false sense of security prior to smashing you with the opposite. And why you are going to LOVE it so much! 

Now forget about all that, just focus all of your efforts on the number 5! Why? Because thats the number of sleeps we have before the world's most epic party comes to Cardiff. This time next will NOT be feeling like you are right now. And that is whether you are hung over now, or not! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
15 - 12 - 9
AB Cals
STOH (50/35kg)

Rest 6mins

For time:
9 - 12 - 15
Cal Row

Please write the time for each couplet to the whiteboard...


WoD - Friday 1st December, 2017

Pinch, punch, first of the month! And didn't it come around quick! Nuts how fast this fun and fitness filled year has gone!

I have a couple of things for you today. Firstly, the Xmas Opening Hours:

Xmas Eve - 10:00 - 12:00 (allowing for the men to still have ample time to Xmas shop)
Xmas Day - 11:00 (until the last burpee has been done)
Boxing Day - CLOSED (wake up and do 5 Rounds for time of 15 Burpees and 30 Squats. It sucks)
New Years Eve - 10:00 - 12:00
New Years Day - CLOSED (wallow in the self pity of a ginormous hang over, and eat Pringles)

The second piece of awesome news is that it is Kath Shafer's birthday!! Happy Birthday buddy! We all hope that you have a kick ass day and arrive at the gym ready and willing, with your special t-shirt ready to rock. You know the one...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time of:
60 Double Unders
10 HSPUs
40 Air Squats
10 HSPUs

Please post your final times of the week to the whiteboard and kick this 5 days of thrashing into touch...


WoD - Tuesday 12th September 2017

Every time I have walked into the gym since Friday night, I have scared myself shitless with Alex 2.0, AKA The Carboard Cutout. Now, even though every CrossFit box should have one - regardless of whether they know who Conroy is or not - it's getting a little much. 
However, and having said that; please please, attempt to scare each other senseless by placing him in various positions about the facility. I was thinking of putting him in a shower personally. 

I hope everyone's buns are ok and are looking pert. Tomorrow we attack a benchmark hero WoD, one which will give your legs a significant rest...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

For Time:
21 - 15 - 9
Ring Dips
Press Ups

Accessory Program
4 x 5 eccentric pull ups (1s up/5s down - use band if required)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down
1 min Static Ankle Stretch - Barbell or single leg heavy KB. 
8 GHD Hip extensions

Superset between Set 2 and 3:
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up
1 min Static Ankle Stretch - Barbell or single leg heavy KB. 
8 GHD Back extensions

Superset between Set 3 and 4:
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down
10 thoracic twists per side - bottom of a squat
8 GHD Hip extensions

Superset following set 4:
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up
10 thoracic twists Lunge complex
8 GHD Back extensions

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:
10 Wall Squats to tempo (5 - 3 - 1/Down - Bottom plan hold - up)
5 Kip swings, 5 kips, 7 kipping pull ups
5 single leg deadlifts in 3 directions, per leg
10 Wall Squats to tempo (5 - 3 - 1/Down - Bottom plan hold - up)
Rest as needed between rounds, ensuring that quality of movement can be maintained


WoD - Thursday 24th August, 2017

The WET PAINT theme continues! But if nobody leant on it last night, after that psychotic version of fight gone bad...then we should be safe! 

Ps. Hands up...who's asses are in bits from those lunges? 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD


21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (100/70kg)


Accessory Program

3 x 8 eccentric ring rows - horizontal for added difficulty (1second up/7 HONEST seconds down)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
10 Single Leg reverse lunge to stand - aggressive ascent, add plate on front foot to increase difficulty
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
Superset between Set 1 and 2:
10 lunge steps with thoracic twist
30 Wall hip drives per leg - heels stay down
Superset between Set 2 and 3:
10 romanian deadlifts (light plate or KB, merely for activation)   
30s of weighted static ankle stretch (barbell for both or KB for each side)

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:
10 Kip swings plus 5 kips - leaning back and looking for the bar
10 Slow decent Wall squats - an honest 5 seconds down/1 up with a biiiiiig butt squeeze. Keep focus and keep moving, no rest. 
10 Single Leg glute raises, per leg, 3 second hold at the top
10 Kip swings plus 5 kips - leaning back and looking for the bar


WoD - Tuesday 14th August, 2017

How are you buns??? Ask Ash! 

So as well as the workout of the day today, we start an 8 week accessory program. In case you hadn't read, we will be focusing on two movements, one continuously; the squat. Coach Glassman himself explains...

“Regardless of what the problem is, the answer is to squat.”

"As a fundamental movement, the squat is a building block to every other movement in CrossFit, says HQ trainer Pat Sherwood.

Do this well and everything else you do will fall into place,” he explains. “Do this poorly and everything else is going to be a little challenging for you.

Every part of the body must be engaged and tight in the squat, Sherwood notes.

If you find yourself down in the bottom of the squat and you’re just kinda chillin’, you’re probably not squattin’ right,” he says.

Coupled with a progressive and ongoing weighted lunging program, my contention is that with a stronger posterior chain - with better positioning in order to apply that force, - will lead to a heavier squat. And a heavier squat leads to bigger quads, asses, no skinny jeans, more money and even more sex!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

Within 20mins, complete an ascending AMRAP of:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10
4 - 8 - 12 - 16 - 20
Ring Muscle Ups
Single Arm KB Snatch (24/16kg) 

Accessory Program 

This is to be done outside of class hours as additional work. 

This is to be done as a superset. So bounce from one to another. 

3 x 5 eccentric pull ups (1 second up/5 down - use band if required)

Superset between Set 1 and 2 of the pull ups:
10 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg stays down
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
Superset between Set 2 and 3 of the pull ups:
10 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg pointing up
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
Following the last set of pull ups:
10 thoracic twists per side - bottom of a squat
30s of weighted static ankle stretch (barbell for both or KB for each side)

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:
10 Kip swings (big focus on lats pulling)
5 single leg deadlifts in 3 directions, per leg
5 Slow decent Wall squats - an honest 5 seconds down/1 up with a biiiiiig butt squeeze. 
10 GHD Hip extensions. 

Below are some awkward videos of any movements that you may not know. I am sorry:

Negative pull ups
Russian lunges
Wall Toe taps
Wall hip drives
Thoracic twists
Weighted static ankle stretch
Single leg deadlifts

Some of these videos (maybe even all), might be the extended and NOT edited versions. Sorry! I suck at technology. If you need help, then ask a coach. 

WoD - Thursday 3rd August, 2017

Yet again, you lot kicked ass tonight. Those asses are going to be cracking walnuts over and over by Christmas!!!  

Tomorroe we get a little gassier... 

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

12min AMRAP: 


9 KB Swings (32/24kg) 

12 Box Jumps (24/20") 

please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard.... 


The bar is coming along, even with a wobbly saw. There's gonna be some drunken nights up there, Melski has offered to be the permanent barmaid! 

WoD - Friday 5th May, 2017

Happy Friday!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:

Run 1 mile

50 HSPUs

50 GHD Sit Up

50 Burpees

50 TTB

Run 1 mile
