Welcome to the hump day...what so soon?! Doesn't time just fly by when some ginger bastard is trying to kill you will burpees and rowing. 
Hands up, anyone else's legs not work for a significant proportion of last night? Yep, mine either. 

Small house keeping point. I know that we do bad things to you and as per mentioned, your legs...but could you please, please leave your gym bags upstairs. Please. 
Think of it this way, climbing the 14 (that's it, INCLUDING the top one) stairs will encourage oxygenated blood to flood to juuuuust where it's needed. HATS, COATS, BAGS and other stuff. Please, put them upstairs where the beautifully decorated balcony affords you a bad assed view of the pain you are about to endure! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

5 sets, all within a 2min window of: 
Max strict Pull Ups
Max strict Handstand Push Ups
Max set of Double Unders
Rest 2mins after the doubs and before the HSPUs

LOOK how good it is, the view...please ignore whatever Ash is doing to Jack. "Bro'ing out!!!"

LOOK how good it is, the view...please ignore whatever Ash is doing to Jack. "Bro'ing out!!!"