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WoD - Friday 28th July, 2023

WoD - Friday 28th July, 2023

First Lieutenant Travis Manion, 26, of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, was killed by sniper fire on April 29, 2007 while fighting against an enemy ambush in Anbar Province, Iraq. He is survived by his father, Colonel Tom Manion, mother Janet Manion, and sister Ryan Borek.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
29 Back squats (60/40kg)

WoD - Thursday 27th July, 2023

WoD - Thursday 27th July, 2023

U.S. Army Spc. Christopher D. Horton, of Collinsville, Oklahoma, died Sept. 9, 2011, in Zurmat District, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with small-arms fire. The 26-year-old was assigned to 1st Battalion, 279 Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Oklahoma National Guard. Horton is survived by his wife, Jane; parents David and Cherie; brother, Nicholas; sister, Tenley; and many other friends and family.

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

With a partner, 9 Rounds for time:
9 Bar muscle ups
11 Clean and jerks (70/50kg)
50 Yard buddy carry

Every 2 minutes for 18 minutes:
1 Snatch, 1 hang snatch

3 sets
8 Snatch grip deadlifts

WoD - Wednesday 26th July, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 26th July, 2023

You should be able to lift heavy under duress and high heart rate. If you can do that you can do anything!

Guess what that snatch is by the way, power or…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds, each for time and load:
20/18 Calorie row
1 Snatch
Rest 5 minutes between rounds

WoD - Monday 14th December, 2020

WoD - Monday 14th December, 2020

We can’t do anything about it, I drunk enough IPA last night to put a small bull to sleep, and when I woke up the issue was still there.

Let’s hit this marine style, plenty of smoke and straight up the middle, head on.

Get up and get after it. Just on zoom!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time:
20 Burpees
30 Air squats

Please post times to facebook/SM…


WoD - Thursday 10th December, 2020

WoD - Thursday 10th December, 2020

What the bet that the 15 people signed up for the AM class tomorrow don’t all suddenly develop a serious case of Kerasiphobia?!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 mins to work up to a heavy Turkish Get Up

B: Bench Press
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5*

*set a heavy load and maintain across sets. Loads up to the whiteboard please…

For 4 sets 1 + 3
High hang squat clean
Front squat

Work to a heavy but manageable load. There should be no failing.


WoD - Tuesday 8th December, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 8th December, 2020

Get your gymnastics on the go with a very spicy little benchmark.

The best in the world can do this workout in sub 3 mins very close to unbroken and make it look like it was fun. Top level gymnasts don’t even count a muscle up as a movement, how else would the get on top of the rings to start a routine. Mental! What’s even more mental, apparently the world record for consecutive ring muscle ups, unbroken, is 152. Oh, and that’s strict and in a weighted vest!
However, this last fact is from a guy who told me when I was down at the pub. And considering as we are in 2020, that was a long time ago!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
30 Ring muscle ups*

B: Each set for quality
10 - 20 GHD sit ups

Times up on the board please dudes, in RED if it was a PB.

For 4 sets 1 + 3
High hang squat snatch
Overhead squat


WoD - Friday 4th December, 2020

WoD - Friday 4th December, 2020

Just in case some of you guys aren’t on facebook, you need to read the below message:

Evening all. I just want to post a quick message to let you all know that there is a limit to what behaviour Is acceptable inside the gym.

Putting chewing gum on my floor could not be further past it.

I actually think I know exactly who it is, and so if you are reading this then it is within your interest to come and talk to me, face to face to at least attempt to put it right.

If I caught in the act, there will be no warning but instead an immediate ban from the box, for life. A perfectly fair consequence for such a disgusting and massively disrespectful act.

Thank you and I apologise to the rest of you who have to train with such a person.

Love you,


CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back rack walking lunges*

8 - 8 - 8 - 8

*immediately following each set
12/8 Calorie assault bike

Please get loads and calorie sprint times up to the whiteboard please ledges…


WoD - Thursday 3rd December, 2020

WoD - Thursday 3rd December, 2020

John Brown, Kelly’s husband wanted me to thank you all for coming down to honour his wife with that workout. It was tough, but tough for a reason.

You lot are legends!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 rounds, each for time of:
21 Toes to bar
7 Push jerk (70/45kg)
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

Get those individual round times up to the whiteboard…

Front squats
3 - 2 - 1
These sets should increase from 100 - 105 - 110% of your 1RM squat clean

3 - 3 - 3
High hang squat clean
Light loads, no risk of failing, focus on position in the receiving position and getting there quickly!


WoD - Tuesday 1st December, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 1st December, 2020

This “platform” I have is to be used purely for good. No evil shall be communicated via its means but man, I want to abuse the living crap out of Drakeford right now.

Or maybe I’m wrong, maybe he is a Welsh saviour? Similar to Owain Glyndŵr’s battle for independence, in years to come we will all be drinking an ALCOHOL pint at The Drakeford…if there are any pubs left that is!

The above statement is by NO mean sarcastic. I mean as you can see from the images below, they both look similar.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 8 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
60 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
15 Pull ups

Get them rounds and reps up to the whiteboard please legends

3 - 2 - 1
Overhead squats
These sets should increase from 100 - 105 - 110% of your 1RM squat snatch

3 - 3 - 3
High hang squat snatch
Light loads, no risk of failing, focus on position in the receiving position and getting there quickly!

WoD - Monday 30th November, 2020

WoD - Monday 30th November, 2020

That’s it, well nearly! We are very nearly in the last month of this utterly shocking year! So close!

In other and more exciting news (to come anyway), I am half way through building something cool for you at the gym. Until you get the green light - which will be perfectly obvious - please do NOT hang off it, do NOT squat from it…basically, stay well away pretty please.
It will be cool and worth the weight I promise.

For now, simply marvel in the wonderfully and expertly recycled rig. Can you tell what it is yet?

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
20 Back squats (60/40kg)
15 Bar over burpees

Go hard and fast, do not even think about breaking those back squats (they are from the floor so you really don’t want to) and pop those times up on the board before you go please…

Wall ball 1.jpg
Rack 1.jpg

WoD - Thursday 26th November, 2020

WoD - Thursday 26th November, 2020

We are nearly there, the weekend that is! When…you just get a little longer to smash the shit out of yourself.

I’d like to make a big shout out to Tommy D who today will complete his 100th workout back at the gym since the end of Lockdown1.0. Consistency of training, particularly at intensity is a massive struggle:
It hurts, i’m sore, I don’t like the workout, I’m no good at those movements, my hands are torn, the run it’s all uphill and the wind is in my face…there are lots of them hey. I tell them to myself often enough.

It’s you lot that hush the voices, whether you know it or not or even actually say anything. Arriving at the gym every single day to just see everyone is all that it takes. Once you’re there, the work just happens.

Congratulations brother, now onto 200 please!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 30 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
100/70 Calorie bike
50 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
100/70 Calorie row
50 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
1k run

Rounds or reps up on the whiteboard please team…

Front squats
3 - 3 - 3
These are straight sets at 105% of your 1RM squat clean

High hang squat clean
3 - 3 - 3
These are at 75% of your 1RM squat clean


WoD - Wednesday 25th November, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 25th November, 2020

I am estimating that this blog post in the 2467th that I have written, and…I still f**k it up every time! Something small and often, it’s completely often to my regular style. Typically I make colossal mistakes but thankfully not as regularly.

Anyway, I ramble!

Tomorrow the plan is to hit a short and aggressive workout, following yesterdays heavy day and in order of variance, a longer piece on Wednesday. Classic CrossFit programming.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
5 Strict chest to bar pull ups

B: For time
21 Toes to bar
100 Double unders
15 Toes to bar
100 Double unders
9 Toes to bar
100 Double unders

Ticks and times up to the whiteboard please legends… 


WoD - Tuesday 24th November, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 24th November, 2020

A quick one tonight, with a heavy day coming tomorrow there stands the chance for some to cherry pick and remove themselves from a booked class.
This message is coming from you guys, feedback received from members, please PLEASE be considerate when booking into class. Do not merely blanket book in case you feel like training, and then cancelling class because you don’t fancy the workout. It’s not fair on others.

With C-19 still causing an issue with restrictions of class sizes, it is really important that we remain fair.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back squat
6 - 6 - 6 - 6

Overhead squat
3 - 3 - 3
These are straight sets at 105% of your 1RM squat snatch

Snatch balance
3 - 3 - 3
These are straight sets at 75% of 1RM squat snatch


WoD - Monday 23rd November, 2020

WoD - Monday 23rd November, 2020

On your second birthday (or 14th in doggo years) what would be better than having a cheeky lay in, followed by a relaxed morning allowing you to feel energised ready to hit the beach HARD with your buddies, sprinting after a ball for hoooooooours!

The only thing that would top it off would be to have a cheek nap and a little bit of very special chateaubriand steak, provided to you by your favourite central Cardiff establishment.

Carlsberg don’t make dog’s birthdays, but if they did…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds of within 2 minutes: 
1 round of:
12 Deadlift
9 Hang power clean
6 Shoulder to overhead
In the remaining time max bar facing burpees 

Rest 4 minutes between rounds 

Get those completed reps up to the whiteboard…

Oppo 2nd.jpg

WoD - Friday 20th November, 2020

WoD - Friday 20th November, 2020

Right about now, the glutes and hammy’s will be telling you just how much of a dick you are for lunging that load across the gym after months from lunging heavy weights across the gym!

But, it is Friday and so you can chill for the weekend. Remember to keep your eyes open for Conroy’s announcement of WoD and location, at the box is closed this weekend for an L1.

Happy hunting legends, see you on Monday!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Each minute, every minute for 6.
Hang power snatch triple (50% (for quality))

B: For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Calorie row  
Burpee over rower

Get those final weekly times and loads up on the board please team…

Jordan row.jpg

WoD - Thursday 19th November, 2020

WoD - Thursday 19th November, 2020

Well I bet there are some seriously shakey legs reading this post today. Guess what, if you do heavy lunges after months of time off through lockdown rubbish, it hurts! Weird that!

Take a rest day if you need, but move. Get your arse up, away from the locked down life of working from home, a novelty that wore off faster than zoom classes, and walk/wander/Jyog (silent J) in order to get some fresh blood pumping! It is what you drastically need…especially if you are planning on doing this tomorrow…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
30 Handstand push ups
30 Deadlift (100/80kg)
30 Toes to bar
Run 1 Mile

Front squat
7 - 7 - 7 - 7
These are straight sets, performed at 80% of your 1RM squat clean

Get those times up the whiteboard and then realise it’s FRIDAY!
