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WoD - Friday 1st November, 2024

WoD - Friday 1st November, 2024

Pinch, punch, first of the month mother f********ckers!!!

The silly season is approaching!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
400m run
12 Bar muscle ups
21 Dumbbell snatch (50/35lb)

WoD - Monday 26th February, 2024

WoD - Monday 26th February, 2024

Welcome to a new week, which will be the first week of the open! The first stage of the CrossFit competitive season, something that will be bringing everyone in the gym together with 3 fun challenging workouts, programmed by CrossFit HQ.
Take a look at this…

At CrossFit Cardiff, we will be doing the workouts as the workout of the day on the following dates:
Saturday 2nd March: 09:30 class
Friday 8th March: Every class
Saturday 16th March: 09:30


AND… to see the CrossFit Cardiff custom leaderboard, click HERE

Lace your RADs, Nike’s, Nano’s or tesco’s pumps up and get stuck in! Pray that Bozman is kind to us all!

Until then, you can practice with the first ever…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Open Workout 11.1
Within 10min complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
30 Double unders
15 Snatch  (35/25kg)

Rest 1 minute
Bonus part B, not part of the original 11.1…
5 Minutes to build to a heavy hang snatch

WoD - Wednesday 14th September, 2022

WoD - Wednesday 14th September, 2022

Short and sharp blog post, mid way through September, RUBBISH!!! Don’t you worry team… the summer is coming!

Harness your inner games athlete, with just two changes:
1. The load is not 135kg
2. The jerk is from the floor due to… see point 1.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
‘Shuttle to overhead’
For time and repetitions:
From minutes 0 - 2
Run 200m
Max shoulder to overhead

Rest 2 minutes

From minutes 4 - 7
Run 400m
Max shoulder to overhead

Rest 2 minutes

From minutes 9 - 13
Run 600m
Max shoulder to overhead

Barbell: 80/60kg

WoD - Monday 8th August, 2022

WoD - Monday 8th August, 2022

Before you ask no… I am not buying 154kg sandbags, Husafell bags nor sandbag jerry cans to sit and gather dust in the corner once we all realise that we are in fact not games athletes and literally can’t move the fuckers!
I remembered back to 2015 (I think) when judging there and having to help out the equipment team by moving a 93kg kettlebell back to the starting mat, the other side of the tennis stadium, once the heat was finished. There were two of them to move back, and we had a trolley to put them on. The athletes had moved BOTH of the heavy bastards across the floor, annoyingly having to stop every do often to knock out a couple of deadlift reps.

I might program some double under cross overs for shits and gigs though!

If when reading this you have literally no idea what I am on about… google the CrossFit Games.

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
5 rounds for time of:
400m run (together)
30 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg)
30 Pull ups
Athletes will run together and split reps as required.

WoD - Monday 23rd May, 2022

WoD - Monday 23rd May, 2022

It’s taken me this long to figure out the cryptic way in which Nicole has written next weeks workouts sorry. She has her own special way of communicating! It makes her different and therefore endearing!

Some further little know facts are that Nicole physically cannot do anything following any intake of fat and, she would potentially die if she went longer than 24hrs without eating eggy bread!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
30 Toes to bar
1K Run