Viewing entries tagged
Double Under

WoD - Wednesday 4th September, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 4th September, 2019

It does surprise me that considering the sheer amount of you who genuinely thought that the class timings were set to change tomorrow for the previously mentioned Police event, I received a banterous punctuation for children book! You can pick up a misplaced coma like a Royal Marines Snipe on his prey, but a clearly written date…NOPE!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for time of:
30 Double Unders 
15 Toes To Bar
5 Bar Muscle Ups

Fast and furious…can anyone go unbroken from the TTB to the muscle ups and hang on? Get those times up team…guess who is programming!  


WoD - Thursday 11th July, 2019

WoD - Thursday 11th July, 2019

With the summer firmly on us, we will soon be larging it in the benefits of all the hard work put forth this winter. Putting your fitness to good use as you conduct activities long into the beautiful summer nights.
Or, perhaps sat in a sun kissed beer garden. Enjoying maybe too many drinks safe in the knowledge that you have not only worked hard for them, but your body’s superior level of fitness will dispel any dirty hang overs. Just like Conroy can.
Play with your kids, grandkids, even though you really do have that hang over, because you know what…thrusters and burpees and deadlifts and pull ups, muscle ups and box jumps and squats and even the assault bike will allow you to be able to do it. And all with a smile on your face safe in the knowledge that your kids know that you are the coolest Dad/Mam out there; you will thrash the other dads in the egg and spoon race for sure.

But we share, we embrace others, we are fiercely loyal yet wonderfully welcoming. And so, bring your buddies…

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th of July

Bring a buddy to the gym, for free, and let them experience just what you will not shut up about!

Please email with their names and email addresses and I will get them feeling all fluffy.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

2 Rounds For Time:
100 Double unders
50 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs) 
25 Toes To Rings

Scores to the board please legends.

Bring a Buddy.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 4th June, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 4th June, 2019

Just to warn you off…I will be in the Isle of Man this week watch some very skilful crazy people ride their unbelievably quick machines around the local streets…at 180mph, as you do. And, therefore, the banter on this blog will be relatively low for the next few days.

Apologies for those of you who relish in the daily update, the written diarrhoea that is spouted on a regular basis, potentially affording you a chuckle before bedtime. Or, more likely, one raised eyebrow following a small insight into my messed up mind.
However, upon request I am more than happy to send pictures of me drinking beer and videos of deafening, whiplash inducing blurs. Just let me know.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For a 35 minute running clock, perform one of the following within a one minute timeframe (EMOM style)
Run 150m
50 Double Unders
10/7 Calorie Row
10/7 Calorie Bike
*rotate in that order - 7 sets on each station*

It’s not often that we do an EMOM, but when we do…they f**king hurt. Scores to the obvious…


WoD - Tuesday 17th July, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 17th July, 2018

Who doesn't like starting the week with assault bike calorie sprints?? Really...they are bad ass! Especially when you have to pick up a heavy metal kettlebell and swing it over your head straight afterwards. All complaints on a postcard and directed to Conroy please! 
It's all done for a good yet slightly sadistic reason! 

As well as the Bike, Conroy loves DT, and any possible iteration of the workout. So, you can bet an eyebrow that something similar will come your way when he is at the helm...

oooo look...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time of:
100 Double Unders
21 Deadlift (60/40kg)
15 Hang Power Clean (60/40kg)
9 Shoulder To Overhead (60/40kg)

Get after it hard from the start, and please write your blazing times to the whiteboard...

Captured...the moment right before Conners arrives at a new DT style workout...

Captured...the moment right before Conners arrives at a new DT style workout...

WoD - Wednesday 31st January, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 31st January, 2018

So I was slightly off in my estimation of how long I thought that would take, just a little, but absolutely bang on with how much I thought it would hurt!
Legs or lungs...which was worse?? 

The only way to go about that was suicide pace, and then hold the f**k on! Tomorrow, you might have to be a bit more tactile in your approach. With a complex movement forming a large part of the workout, aim to "pace" through the rest so that you can hit those rings consistently each time.  

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 12mins complete an AMRAP of:
6 Muscle Ups
12 KB swings (24/20kg)
24 Double Unders

Please write rounds and reps to the whiteboard...

Muscle ups.png

WoD - Friday 19th January, 2018

WoD - Friday 19th January, 2018

The final hurdle before the weekend is upon you, where, instead of drink and eat and chill, you nutters will more than likely come back to the gym and smoke yourselves again! 
And we love it! ;-) 

What do you mean you don't like a heavy sumo deadlift high pull...what???

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 15 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps of:
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (60/40kg)
10 GHD Sit ups
20 Double Unders

Please scribe your MASSIVE score of rounds and reps to the whiteboard...


WoD - Friday 12th January, 2018

WoD - Friday 12th January, 2018

Who's legs hurt? Mine do!! Strange how 150 wall balls and some "running" will do that to you! 

She's not only brutal when programming workouts, but while on the last day of a 3 day fast, Hannah decides to put a mouth watering chicken soup in the slow cooker! Cheers buddy!!!

Last day of a total beasting for you lot...or is it? I promise the coaching staff definitely does NOT attempt to outdo each other with the brutality of their programming. With that in mind...good luck for next week!! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

12 Rounds for time of:
3 Deadlifts (140/100kg)
6 Handstand Push Ups
30 Double Unders

Athletes will perform the workout in a you go, I go fashion; completing 6 rounds each. 

Post your lighteningly fast times to the whiteboard please...


WoD - Wednesday 3rd January 2018

I know what you're thinking...due to having sometime off over Xmas, the assault bikes are broken! Clearly that's what the issue was, the calories just weren't counting up like the used to. 
There's no way it has anything to do with the turkey and the stuffing and the parsnips and the mince pies and the heroes and the doughnuts and ice cream (clearly Xmas food)!

Nope, it's the bikes! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2
Front Squats (100/70kg)
After each round:
30 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb

Please post times to comments...


WoD - Thursday 7th December, 2017

Well that was a pure blood bath!
No one, well nearly no one, was side tracked by the award winning, Penylan Fish bar. Only:
Luke and
Ash and Mel. 

Everyone else gave into temptation and ran straight by! Onto lightening rounds of HSPUs, hand rippingly good chest to bars and air humping squats. What a workout! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 10mins complete as many rounds and reps of:
50 Double Unders
10 Power Cleans (60/40kg)
8 Bar Hop Burpees

Please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard...


WoD - Friday 1st December, 2017

Pinch, punch, first of the month! And didn't it come around quick! Nuts how fast this fun and fitness filled year has gone!

I have a couple of things for you today. Firstly, the Xmas Opening Hours:

Xmas Eve - 10:00 - 12:00 (allowing for the men to still have ample time to Xmas shop)
Xmas Day - 11:00 (until the last burpee has been done)
Boxing Day - CLOSED (wake up and do 5 Rounds for time of 15 Burpees and 30 Squats. It sucks)
New Years Eve - 10:00 - 12:00
New Years Day - CLOSED (wallow in the self pity of a ginormous hang over, and eat Pringles)

The second piece of awesome news is that it is Kath Shafer's birthday!! Happy Birthday buddy! We all hope that you have a kick ass day and arrive at the gym ready and willing, with your special t-shirt ready to rock. You know the one...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time of:
60 Double Unders
10 HSPUs
40 Air Squats
10 HSPUs

Please post your final times of the week to the whiteboard and kick this 5 days of thrashing into touch...


WoD - Tuesday 21st November, 2017

NO more Assault Bike and NO MORE Medicine Ball Cleans...PLEASE!!! But I will take one ticket to the Xmas party!!! Lets go team, get coughing up. Do NOT be disappointed as you all know what a night it is going to be! 

With the party being on the 16th, I am giving you guys the cut off of the 1st of December. That will give me just over two weeks to barter for as much free booze as humanly possible. 
I intend on shaving Ash's manly chest and oiling him up, offering him as a hot date for an evening on the town with our host. Right at the very moment that she becomes distracted by his deep blue eyes, I shall swoop in and request the alcohol; enough to make the after party plenty of fun! 

Anyway, it's time for a slog...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
100 Double Unders
25 Power Cleans
25 TTB
25 Front Squats
25 Pull Ups
25 Pull Ups
25 Front Squats
25 TTB
25 Power Cleans
100 Double Unders
Barbell Loaded to 50/35kg

Please post times to the whiteboard, if you can still see...

Accessory Program


1. Goblet squat with small plate (ideally 1.25kg or less weight than you used in the 6th week) - 2 sets x 5 reps (10s down, 1s pause at the bottom and a fast ascent)

1. Single leg touchdown progressions - 4 sets x 5 reps off a 24" box

2.1. After sets 1 and 2 perform a banded ankle stretch with a kettlebell - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

2.2 After sets 3 and 4 perform a calf stretch on a plate - 1min on each leg (2mins total per leg)

joey chipperJPG.JPG

WoD - Thursday 14th September, 2017

Yep, so that hurt just about as much as I expected...maybe a little more! Those wall balls crept up very quickly, but only on the right quad!! Anyone else? What hurt? Ass? Quads? Lungs?? 

Always, be very wary of workouts with programmed rest!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 25mins complete an AMRAP of:

Run 200m
10 TTB
30 Double Unders
10 Power Snatch (35/25kg)

Please post rounds and reps to the white board....

Accessory Program

4 x 5 eccentric ring rows (1s up/5s down - use band if required)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
10 Single leg glute raises - per leg
Static Ankle Stretch - Barbell or single leg heavy KB - 2mins per leg
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down.

Superset between Set 2 and 3:
8 Static lunges to standing - per leg/front foot on top of 2x20kg plates
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up

Superset between Set 3 and 4:
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down
10 Narrow stance squats

Superset following set 4:
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up
10 Dumbbell overhead squats (one or two dumbbells. SUPER LIGHT)

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:
10 GHD Back Extensions
5 Kip swings, 5 Kipping pull ups
15 Wall Squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
20 GHD hip extensions
15 Wall Squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
5 Kip swings, 5 Kipping pull ups
10 GHD Back Extensions
Rest as needed between rounds, ensuring that quality of movement can be maintained


WoD - Thursday 1st June, 2017

Pinch, punch bitches...first of the month! So that came around fast! 

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time of:

60 Double Unders

40 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 

20 DB Snatch (50/35lbs) 


Please post times to the whiteboard. 

Ash and Jordan Short Shorts, limbering up for a day of moving some heavy assed KBs. 

Ash and Jordan Short Shorts, limbering up for a day of moving some heavy assed KBs. 

WoD - Wednesday 8th March 2017

Yep, you lot looked just like I did once i'd finished that you'd been kicked in the relative nuts. Not pleasant. 

Have a look at our Instagram page, reebokcrossfitcardiff, for details of the April Fools Throwdown. If you don't have an Instagram account, create one and follow us, or...borrow a friend who does. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time of:
50 Double Unders
25 TTB
15 Deadlifts (100/70kg)

A grippy sprint...get after it and hold on to that bar! Pleas post times to the white board...

Tuesday 19th April 2016

Shift from a fast and furious workout to a mid range chipper. Good job it will be just as fun. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:

100 Double Unders
50 Pull-ups
25 STOH (50/35kg)
50 Pull-ups
100 Double Unders

Please post times to comments...


WoD - Tuesday 15th December 2015

Who wants an 11am class on Xmas Eve?? Speak up team. 

What is not happening is an 8pm class as I did one year. Couldn't get out of the gym even on Christmas Eve. 

So today's workout was purposefully placed in order to ensure that you weren't required to perform anything too crazy on hang over day number 2. Tomorrow though...not so much. Enjoy...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time:

100 Cal Row
100 Double Unders
75 STOH (40/30kg)
75 Air Squats
50 Hang Power Cleans (50/35kg)
50 GHD Sit Ups
25 Deadlifts (80/60kg)
25 HSPUs

*there will be a 25min time cap on this workout. 

Please post times to comments...