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Air Squats

WoD - Wednesday 2nd January, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 2nd January, 2019

The first post of 2019, holy hell…Happy New Year!
I am purposefully going to make sure that it sucks though! Merely so that I can positively build some entertainment into your lives throughout the year.

We are going to have some cool times too, loads of banter and exciting times!

The rest of this week sees the last of the old timetable, with the usual class schedule back tomorrow but with the new beginning on Monday. It may take a few weeks to adjust, but at least if you rock up at the wrong time you will only have 30mins to wait. Easy!

I hope you guys all had a kick ass time last night, have fading hang overs and a new filled desire to get back to the gym and kick some arse! Here we go…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds as possible, within 20 minutes of: 
5 Pull Ups
10 Press Ups
15 Air Squats 

Please record your own scores not just to the whiteboard but also to your own logbooks…

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WoD - Monday 24th December, 2018

WoD - Monday 24th December, 2018

Christmas Eve! Get your arses to the gym, as per opening hours below and get a good old thrashing in before everything goes Pete Tong! Maybe then the hang overs and food comas won’t feel so bad…due to being consumed by the DOMs in your arses!

Once finished, the lads will be free to start their Xmas shopping, having a few pints along the way of course, and you ladies can do whatever it is you normally do.

Keep your eyes peeled on Xmas Day for the workout post, record a video of you doing it, wherever you are and tag @Reebok CrossFit Cardiff on IG.

Open Gym: 10:00 – 11:00
WoD: 11:00 – 12:00

CrossFit Cardiff Xmas Eve Team WoD

In Teams of 3:
Within 15mins establish a 8RM back rack walking lunge (2 attempts each)*
Rest 5mins
Complete as many rounds and reps within 15mins of:
“The Chief”
3 Power Cleans (60/40kg)
6 Press Ups
9 Air Squats

*each teammate’s highest individual loads are combined and posted to the whiteboard along with their Chief rounds.

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WoD - Wednesday 12th December, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 12th December, 2018

I hope you got a decent swole on today team, one of the last chances in 2018. Before you begin the bulking season ready for the cold, cold winter days! Nothing wrong with that.
Rumour has it that Luke and Alfie are looking to break the 55kg mark on the scales…wet out of the shower with a massive Santa Claws belt buckle on. You’ve got it lads!

As a reminder to you all. There is a CrossFit Kids Seminar at the gym this weekend. As a result there will be no classes or open gym throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday however, there is a kick ass WoD planned for Sunday afternoon. Now for those of you who braved the last Sunday class, you know what that means!! Evilness!

Sunday WoD: 16:30 (4:30pm to the none Mil types)

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Three rounds of:
Assault Bike Calories
Air Squats
GHD Sit-ups
Double Unders
Dumbbell Hang Clean &Jerks (50/35lbs - alternate arms)
Complete as many reps as possible of each movement, within 1 minute.
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Please record total reps of each round to the whiteboard…

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WoD - Monday 13th August, 2018

WoD - Monday 13th August, 2018

Its buddy buddy week!!! Get in! A bunch of new and cool buddies, wandering about the gym not having a single clue of what the hell is going on, I reckon there are going to be some seriously uncomfortable folk receiving sweaty, chalky and typically hairy hugs! Geeeeeeet used to it! 

Now you legends, be sure you are fully versed in delivering the well known sweaty hug. Identify your victim, disguise yourself advance from the unsuspecting buddy's buddy, post a smoke grenade and go straight "up the middle", Commando style! Squeeze for the appropriate amount of time, don't be creepy! 

Lastly for today, remember that there will be a class at 5:30pm. Get down there and get rid of your hang overs! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Within 10 minutes, establish a 1 Rep Max Shoulder To Overhead

B: Within 6 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Shoulder To Overhead* 
25 Air Squats

*Bar loaded at 75% of load from A

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WoD - Wednesday 1st August, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 1st August, 2018

If the front squat and GHD killer workout didn't destroy your world as much as it did mine, there is literally no way that 'Jack' won't! One of the original Hero workouts, programmed by a friend of mine who owns literally one of the first ever affiliates aside from HQ, and former plain clothed drugs prevention police officers...otherwise known as a legitimate badass!!

If you were wondering what the latest Instagram post was all about, then log on to tomorrow's WoD post and get excited, a very cool event is coming directly to CrossFit Cardiff. And you only have to wait for 24 hours to find out just what...

But for now, back to this week. Wave goodbye to your legs...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for maximum rounds of:
Within 15mins:
Run 1 mile
In the remaining time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of 'Cindy'*
Following each run, continue the Cindy score from the previous round. There is no rest between rounds.

5 Pull Ups
10 Press Ups
15 Air Squats

Please write your total and any partial Cindy Rounds to the whiteboard....


WoD - Thursday 5th July, 2018

WoD - Thursday 5th July, 2018

Now then, wasn't that a sweaty mess?! Who would've thought that 105 burpees could cause such a state?! 
As I said to the kick ass 09:30 class, it's Suller's week so you have him to blame. Go easy on the dude though, because soon enough he is due to be a dad. And I genuinely struggle to think of a person who is more ready and better suited for the task! That little one will not be a CrossFit Games champion one day (the year 2043, I'm gonna put a Paul McKenner on it at the local Ladbrooks), but be a humble, selfless and unconditionally generous legend while collecting his medal...just like his Dad! He just might have some trouble keeping his heels down! 

Show your love for a legit trainer, I guarantee his short absence will be missed! If someone could please leave the South Africa mug, in random places about the gym, on a daily basis that would be great! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Toes To Bar
16 Air Squats

Please post your Suller loving rounds and reps to the whiteboard...

He leaves that f**king thing literally anywhere!! 

He leaves that f**king thing literally anywhere!! 

WoD - Monday 12th May, 2018

WoD - Monday 12th May, 2018

You lot warm my soul, you make the hair (and that's a lot) on my arms stand up, you make my heart are what CrossFit is all about. 
When one of your own reaches out and asks for some support, you rally and protect; get involved; demonstrate your loyalty. Not just welcomed others wonderfully. Those new to CrossFit, coming in on day 1 to a charity workout - a really hard charity workout - set for a member, still happy to come on in and get involved. And all because of you. You welcomed them into our family and I would like to thank you for it. 
It is the very best place to train, an environment which is safe: no judgement, no bullshit, just sweaty, chalky hugs! Wonderfully Welcoming, yet fiercely loyal! 

I love every one of you! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time:
20 Pull ups
30 Press ups
40 Ab-mat sit ups
50 Air squats
Rest 3mins Between rounds. 

Go hard, it's a girl. Write your times for each individual round on the whiteboard please...


WoD - Wednesday 2nd May, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 2nd May, 2018

Guess what, I reckon your butts are going to be loving life tomorrow morning, and the next day...holy'll be so excited to go up a set of stairs. 
I just want to say one thing...order a pair of budgie smugglers now men, you are going to be taking all the numbers on that beach. 

As a side note. I have a challenge for you all. Can anyone beat Jack, or just have the balls, to do a WoD...

For Time:
75/50 Calorie Assault Bike
Every minute, on the minute: 5 Clean And Jerks (60/40kg)*
*start the workout with the clean and jerks. 

If you are (wo)man enough to give it a go, ask a coach and we will get you through. If you do it, as a sign that you are still alive, write your time on the whiteboard. Throughout the month of May only. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 3 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Hang Power Cleans (50/35kg)
5 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Air Squats
Rest 2mins, repeat for 5 rounds

Following your rest period, continue where you left off, record one score of total rounds following the fifth round. 

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WoD - Monday 16th April, 2018

WoD - Monday 16th April, 2018

Following an absolute mental meltdown of a weekend, a few of the coaches have mush for brains. However, once it has all settled in and we have gotten our heads around it all we will start asking you to touch your toes, twist and turn, so that we can lunge you into an oblivion. 

Thank you to Phil and Jowsey for leading such a shit hot and informative seminar. You have just left a group of crossed eyed and brain fried people in the wake of your excellently functioning bowels! Cheers team! 

Tomorrow we will welcome some cool assed folk for the very first time, and do so with a kick assed partner workout. If you see them, get yourself over and say hello, ask them where they come from and what their dogs names are! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

'Chief’s Partner loves a burpee'

Within 3mins complete as many rounds and reps of:
3 Power Cleans (60/40kg)
6 Burpees over the bar
9 Air Squats
Rest 1min
Repeat for 5 total rounds.

This is to be completed on a you go, I go basis, per each complete round. 

Please, stand up, if you didn't stay up, and write your total rounds on the whiteboard....

In case you weren't too sure of who to look for...

In case you weren't too sure of who to look for...

WoD - Thursday 15th February, 2018

WoD - Thursday 15th February, 2018

I so hope that Melski is planning on doing this workout. Nothing warms my soul quite as much as watching her Bambi legs attempt to function. In fact, I entirely think that she should switch the running for assault bike calories, as this allows the famous condition to appear far sooner and far more aggressively. 

Please like this post and comment beneath, ASSAULT ON MEL. She has said, she won't do it unless she gets 10 comments...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds For Time:
30 Air Squats
20 Box Jumps (24/20")
10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Run 200m

Please post times to the whiteboard...

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WoD - Monday 8th January, 2017

I hope you lovely lot have had a chilled weekend, probably detoxing from the silly season! Anyone appear from my mother dry for January? 

This cheeky little number comes to you courtesy of Hannah, and it hurts like a bastard... 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

5 Rounds, each for time:

20 Air Squats

10 Box Over Jumps (24/20”)

10 Assault Bike Calories

5 Hang Power Clean and Jerks (70/50kg) 

Rest 3mins between rounds. 

please post times to the whiteboard... 


WoD - Wednesday 6th December, 2017

Ducks are rife IN around the box. Potentially with lots of attractive water features nearby: Roath Park lake, puddles in ditches on Newport Road and the swamp over on Lamby Way, they seem to like the area very much. 
BIG Ducks, often 'Mallards' and male, make their way into the gym undetected. In fact they are so well disguised amongst the bumper plates, air assault bikes and plyo boxes that are usually heard and not seen. 
Please be careful, on the look out and if you catch them, do not hesitate....shoot! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

2017 Regional WoD 1
For time:
1200m Run*
12 Rounds of:
4 Strict HSPUs
8 CTB Pull Ups
12 Air Squats

*this is to the Penylan Fish bar, not INSIDE the fish bar, but ALONGSIDE it! Just ignore the wonderful smell. 

Please post times to the whiteboard...

Beware of the DUCK!!!

Beware of the DUCK!!!

WoD - Friday 1st December, 2017

Pinch, punch, first of the month! And didn't it come around quick! Nuts how fast this fun and fitness filled year has gone!

I have a couple of things for you today. Firstly, the Xmas Opening Hours:

Xmas Eve - 10:00 - 12:00 (allowing for the men to still have ample time to Xmas shop)
Xmas Day - 11:00 (until the last burpee has been done)
Boxing Day - CLOSED (wake up and do 5 Rounds for time of 15 Burpees and 30 Squats. It sucks)
New Years Eve - 10:00 - 12:00
New Years Day - CLOSED (wallow in the self pity of a ginormous hang over, and eat Pringles)

The second piece of awesome news is that it is Kath Shafer's birthday!! Happy Birthday buddy! We all hope that you have a kick ass day and arrive at the gym ready and willing, with your special t-shirt ready to rock. You know the one...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time of:
60 Double Unders
10 HSPUs
40 Air Squats
10 HSPUs

Please post your final times of the week to the whiteboard and kick this 5 days of thrashing into touch...


WoD - Friday 25th August, 2017

PBs and wobbly butts everywhere! Awesome work! 

Tomorrow we test strength under fatigue.

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

 A: Within 5mins complete an AMRAP of:

10 Burpees

20 air squats

B: Within 5mins:

Set a 1RM snatch

Within 5mins complete an AMRAP of:

10 TTB

20 air squat

There is no rest between AMRAPs, just a 15min continuously clock.


WoD - Wednesday 9th August, 2017

So that got as painful as I had expected, about as fast asI had expected too. It was definitely a grower! 

Tomorrow, from 5:30 onwards, there will be some folk at the gym filming a little promo video for us. So do your hair, make sure you are looking dapper and enjoy yourself as per normal. 

Tomorrow we hit a challenging little number, start with faster runs and slow them down when you need more recovery for the cheeky triplet. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20mins climb as high in the ascending ladder as possible, of:

Run 200m
1 Bar Muscle Up
2 DB Snatch (50/35lbs)
3 Air Squats

Each round begins with a 200m run, the reps ascend in the following sequence: 

1/2/3, 2/4/6, 3/6/9, 4/8/12...etc. 

Please post completed rounds to comments...

WoD - Monday 29th May 2017


For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Post time the whiteboard.


Thank you to everyone who came down and made last night such an amazing experience. Kathryn kicked butt, shortly followed by Mama Lawson doing the same thing. 

The box was bouncing! 

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds for time:

400m Run

50 Air squats

Please post times to the whiteboard...


A WoD like this will give you buns like that... 

WoD - Monday 21st November 2016

Today, in each class, be on the look out for confused looking new faces! Run straight towards them, grip on and hug hard, the sweatier the better! It's juuuuust an initiation into our family, embrace it! 

 CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 18mins, complete an AMRAP of:

10 Burpees

5 Deadlifts (100/70kg) 

20 Air Squats

This is an 'I go, you go' workout for rounds. Athlete 1 does one round and high fives athlete 2, who does one round. Rinse and repeat until the 18mins is up. 




WoD - Wednesday 27th April

Well that was the busiest morning class that we've ever had! And all it took was for Bradder's to "forget" to post the blog! #cherrypickingMoFos


CrossFit Cardiff WoD

 3 Rounds for time: 

Run 800m

80 Air Squats

8 Push Jerks (85/60kg) 

please post times to comments... 
