Its buddy buddy week!!! Get in! A bunch of new and cool buddies, wandering about the gym not having a single clue of what the hell is going on, I reckon there are going to be some seriously uncomfortable folk receiving sweaty, chalky and typically hairy hugs! Geeeeeeet used to it!
Now you legends, be sure you are fully versed in delivering the well known sweaty hug. Identify your victim, disguise yourself advance from the unsuspecting buddy's buddy, post a smoke grenade and go straight "up the middle", Commando style! Squeeze for the appropriate amount of time, don't be creepy!
Lastly for today, remember that there will be a class at 5:30pm. Get down there and get rid of your hang overs!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Within 10 minutes, establish a 1 Rep Max Shoulder To Overhead
B: Within 6 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Shoulder To Overhead*
25 Air Squats
*Bar loaded at 75% of load from A