Ducks are rife IN around the box. Potentially with lots of attractive water features nearby: Roath Park lake, puddles in ditches on Newport Road and the swamp over on Lamby Way, they seem to like the area very much. 
BIG Ducks, often 'Mallards' and male, make their way into the gym undetected. In fact they are so well disguised amongst the bumper plates, air assault bikes and plyo boxes that are usually heard and not seen. 
Please be careful, on the look out and if you catch them, do not hesitate....shoot! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

2017 Regional WoD 1
For time:
1200m Run*
12 Rounds of:
4 Strict HSPUs
8 CTB Pull Ups
12 Air Squats

*this is to the Penylan Fish bar, not INSIDE the fish bar, but ALONGSIDE it! Just ignore the wonderful smell. 

Please post times to the whiteboard...

Beware of the DUCK!!!

Beware of the DUCK!!!