The ball is rolling, rolling, no stopping the week now. We are off and the DOMS is going to be real! It will one day get a little better, and once you think you have just about gotten over it, smash you right back in the face again.
For example, good luck to your lower backs!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
1200m - 800m - 600m - 400m
24 - 21 - 18 - 15
Kettlebell Swing (32/24kg)
5:00 Max pull ups
5 Sets
5 pull ups (3-2-1 tempo)
Rest 1:30
3 Sets
10/10 Bent over row
10/10 Single arm bench press
10 - 30s L-sit hold
2 Sets
20/20 Kettlebell side bends