So, it takes 11 seconds to do one pull up…
Last Wednesday’s workout was pretty savage, 21 - 15 - 9 of calories and pull ups if you are struggling to remember. Now it hit folk pretty hard but maybe not everyone quite as hard as Meg, she was in a fair bit of discomfort let’s just say.
I clearly wanted to know what all the fuss was about and so did it myself later that day and looking back on a video (very rarely do I video workouts and annoyingly I choose to film this one) I had miss counted my first set of pull ups, doing only 20 reps. BASTARD.
Well Meg clearly had some unfinished business and so I asked if she wanted another crack. This time she also vomited but, before the workout in nervous anxiety, rather than post and due to its effect!
Fair play to you dude. Doing these things for the first time is hard enough, but repeating them when they hurt you so badly just a few days ago is something else! Legend! She also smoked her time!
That reminds me… it’s coming by the way…
Ps. Doing 21 pull ups instead of 20 added 11 seconds to my time because I was far more of a pussy on the bike!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 rounds of:
Within 2 minutes complete:
450/400m row
Max power cleans (100/70kg)
Rest 4 minutes between intervals