MAAAAAN alive it is December tomorrow, and officially the month of Christmas. Meaning that you are more than sane if you pop your decorations up in a couple of weeks…NOT YESTERDAY! 😉
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 15 minutes, build to 1RM
Back squat
3 - 3 - 3
Back squat at 80% of 1RM
Get those PBs in red up to the whiteboard….
Handstand push ups
1a: Freestanding handstand drills
1b: 5 minute EMOM
15s Max HSPU
2a: 3 Handstand negatives
2b: 18 Hollow rocks
2c: 5 Pike push ups
3a: Max push ups (2 second pause at the bottom)
3b: 20 Stadler leg lifts to plate
3c: Max chin ups