Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Tuesday 28th July, 2020

A cheeky moist WoD, I bet you’ve never rowed and box jumped in the pissing rain…fun hey?!

Variance isn’t just adjusting movements and loading and time frames, it’s also environmental factors. But, i definitely wish it wasn't! As do my rowers and Ash’s pants! No stress anyway, concept 2 do a weather cover, all we need to think of now are Ash’s pants!

I reckon we could cut holes in the right places…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds, each for time:
20/15 Assault bike calories
25 Air squats
Rest will be dictated by opposing athletes completing their calories

Get your individual times up to the whiteboard and please, please…pray to the weather gods! We could use some good luck right now.