Legends, thank you to so many of you who have returned your equipment to the box, and thank you so much for paying it all so much respect and looking after it!
I am looking forward to the remaining equipment being delivered soon.

With said equipment, we can start implementing barbell movements. Holy shit! Now for some of you, this will be the first time you have had the chance “feel the steel” in a few months and so, you may have lost some capacity here. Nothing to stress about, just something to be aware of. Consider scaling some prescribed loading to ensure that you are able to settle back into the routine safely.
Unless of course, your name is Christie Sull and took a PVC pipe only from the gym and have religiously smashed yourself with daily positional work! Certainly NOT used it to whack your housemate when she annoys you.

Enjoy a new week of hard graft team. Another week closer to moving back indoors.

On that note, we have had an official complaint regarding the volume of the music. Meaning that unfortunately I am going to be removing the speaker for at least the morning classes, and, have a reduced volume for the rest. At the end of the day, we are able to train outdoors and really want to maintain that (in this current climate) privilege, and so listening to the sounds made by your body mid workout is just fine for now.
Should times get really hard, I’ll have Liv Duffin sing to you throughout your sessions.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 16mins, complete as many rounds and reps of:
14/10 Calorie row
12 Hang dumbbell snatch (alternate: 50/35lbs)
10 Box jumps (30/24”)

Accessories - if the pull up bars are still there
4 x sets of 8 - 10
Strict pull ups (jumping or banded were required)

Please get the rounds and reps completed up on the whiteboard…

Outdoor legends.JPG