If you did not see, take a gander at the Facebook post on the members page reference the new and very exciting CrossFit Kids class, set to start this Saturday! Get over to the members page to find out the details.

I also have a favour to ask. In order to conduct a little bit of marketing, could I please ask for a call to arms. For everyman, woman and child…and their dogs to attend the Saturday class so that we can get a little bit of footage of the shenanigans in order to market our services to those who aren’t in the know. And therefore are just sat creating an arse print that is going nowhere fast!

Cheers team.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Within 2 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

A: Strict press (40/30kg)

B: Push press (50/35kg)

C: Push jerk (60/40kg)

Between each round:
1 minute max object over seated pike and…
2 minutes rest

Ideally, something which allows you to increase
Otherwise, choose one or two objects and simply move really quickly and hopefully unbroken

Warm up
With a broomstick/mop or PVC pipe perform:
50 pass throughs
every 10th rep:
5 Press ups
25 Pencil jumps
5 Tuck jumps

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

CrossFit Cardiff Kids logo.JPG