Lunges good? Nope, feeling like they are on fire? Yep!
Queueing for supermarkets mid COVID crisis as a CrossFitter is so unfortunate. Lungs battered from your morning WoD, rather than catch up on emails or watch the latest, greatest CrossFit Cardiff social media content…all you are really doing is trying to stifle a cough so that the rest of the shoppers don’t think that you are out and about with The ‘Rona!
Hopefully your legs have recovered from cracking the hero workout Chad, and you are able to push through. Tomorrow you are going to need them!
Lastly, don’t forget your scores for Iso Open WoD 2, uploaded by close of play today please! Here is the link
CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD
Double unders
Rest 1 min
Abmat sit ups
Rest 1 min
Air squats
Cumulate every rep completed for your score.
Just you
Warm up
Complete a slow AMRAP of:
50 Single unders
20 Cossack squats
10 Tempo wall squats (5s descent, 1s pause, 1s ascent)
Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here