WOD - Thursday 6th August

Don't forget, its the European Inferno Competition this weekend, and its being held in UWIC (Cyncoed). Quite a few of our members are competing. If you're in the area then why not swing by to show your support. Tomorrow we work on our Jerk.

Part A

Press/Push Press/Push Jerk Efficiency practice. Here's Khalipa to take you through it.

Spend some time to familiarise yourself with the differences between the Push Press and the Push Jerk in particular. Take this knowledge into Part B, you'll need it!

Part B

3 Rounds for Time:

Row 25 Cals 50 Double Unders 10 STOH (60/40)

If you can't do Double Unders yet then do twice the number of single unders.... But you better learn quickly as tuck jumps are coming back. You've been warned!

WOD - Wednesday 5th August

Daaaamn, I had so much fun with those burpess today..... Part A - Skill

5-5-5 Muscle Snatch

4-4-4 Power Snatch

3-3-3 Squat Snatch

Aim for a weight of 35/25, but ultimately just choose a weight you can do the reps with. This is a skill movement, DO NOT GO HEAVY.

Efficiency and timing are the focus. Here's a great 5 minute video with Chris Spealler showing the difference between Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch and Squat Snatch. Try to watch it before tomorrow if you can, you'll get more out the class!

Part B - WOD

For Time:

25 Front Squats (35/25) Run 400m 25 Snatches (35/25)* Run 400m 25 OHS (35/25) Run 400m

*As per part A, use whatever snatch you like here. You'll need to balance fatigue with speed though so Muscle/Power snatches are recommended!

WOD - Tuesday 4th August

Awesome work today gang. PB's everywhere. Nothing like a CrossFit Total day to get the high fives flying thick and fast. Love it. Final scores here

And now for something different.

Part A

Skills and Drills - 12 EMOM

Odds - 25 DU (if you can't do DU then try for 30 seconds) Evens - 5 Pistols each leg

Part B

Death by Burpees

In the first minute perform one burpee, in the second minute perform two burpees, in the third minute perform 3 burpees.....etc.

When you reach the minute where you can no longer see clearly do the required number of burpees then write the minute and the amount of burpees you managed. For example, If you get to the 10th minute and only manage 7 burpees then your score will be 10min +7 burpees and your workout is over.

WOD - Monday 3rd August

Look out..... Brads got a car Its time for the heaviest Benchmark in CrossFit:

The CrossFit Total

After properly warming up you will have 3 attempts to establish a 1 Rep Max in each of the following lifts:

Back Squat Strict Press Deadlift

Once completed, add the best lift for all three movements together to find your 'Total'. Write this down for future reference.

You will have 15 minutes for each lift. It is important that you use this time wisely to warm up before each max attempt. Once the 15 mins is up you will have to move onto the next lift.

Focus, take a deep breath, and hit a new PB!!

WOD - Friday 31st July 2015 

I'm excited for this one . . . Partner WOD obviously!!!  In pairs complete with only one person working at a time.

For time: 

60 Power cleans (90/60)

90 Toes to Bar 

150m wheelbarrow walk (in 15m sets) 


WOD - Thursday 30th July 2015

part A - 20 minutes to establish a 3RM bench press (I feel sorry for your bodys today so this is the one time this year you'll bench press)  Part B - 4 rounds each for time: 

500m row 

75m farmers walk with kettlebells (32/24)

75m wall ball carry (30/20) 

Rest 2mins 



WOD - Wednesday 29th July - "Caroline"

Today we celebrate the birthday of a long standing member, Caz has been with us for two and a half years and as some of you may know is partial to a long run and a Wall Ball. I'm not aware of a benchmark girl called "Caroline" so maybe this could be a suggestion! From the evil mind of Brad Rivers: 20 minute AMWAP (As Many Wallballs As Possible)* Weight is 20lbs/14lbs

*everytime you stop you have to run 600m (yes 600m, this will be to the bus station on the main road and back)

Note: if you try to do 100+ wall balls without breaking then you will have an interesting 600m run and also be very sore for the rest of the week! you have been warned!

WOD - Tuesday 28th July 2015

Kettle Bell D.T.  With two kettle bells (24/16) complete:

5 rounds for time: 

12 deadlifts 

9 hang power cleans 

6 shoulder to overhead 


WOD - Monday 27th July

EPIC weekend guys, well done to those that made it down for the Triple 3's, some heroic efforts all round. Who would've thought that over 30 people would turn up for that shitfest!? The last Saturday of every month could be known as 'going long' day from now on if you want it!?

it was cool to see so many of you make it for the BBQ on Saturday and massive appreciation to Nav for manning the BBQ for 3 hours, Ry for making the Watering Can cockatils and Jess for making the best salad I've ever seen!

Time to get back to normal now the games are done:

Mondays WOD is:

Part A

Squat Therapy

Part B


Front Squats* Pull-ups

*Men Rx is bodyweight Women Rx is 3/4 bodyweight. (Round up to the nearest 5kg)

Weight starts from the floor and you can squat clean your first rep if you wish.

WOD - Saturday Carnage!

I'm putting up tomorrows WOD very early in the hope that it gives you some time to mentally prepare yourself. 2014 - Triple 3's

By popular request and because it is the weekend!!....and you need to earn your Saturday Games Night BBQ! (Details on the board)

This workout was in last years games and caused chaos. Even the great Rich Froning ended up having to walk on the run (although this does not give you licence to do the same!).

We are going to tweak it slightly and make it a Partner WOD so its a little bit less horrendus..

In Pairs:

Row 3k 300 Double Unders Run 3 miles

(Some times to try to beat: Rob Forte 33:03, Rich Froning 38:31, Camille 39:52, Annie 41:22) If you have a spare 50 minutes then watch it here - skip to 10mins in

You can share the work on the Row and DU however you want, but you both run the 3 miles together at the end. The clock doesn't stop until you are both back. Take a bit of time to inspect the 3 mile route if you can. We will go through it again in the morning though so don't worry.

Its basically up the hill as usual, but all the way to the end before dropping down Cyncoed Hill and doing a lap around the Park, just the rec, not the lake as well! Run all the way until you see the Juboraj and then loop around the park and come back. It looks like this:

WOD - Friday 24th July

Congratulations to those who took on the double AMRAP couplets today and also survived 'The Wall'.....Next time we'll use the Reebok Drop Box outside though :) Tomorrows WOD is taken from the 2014 Games and was meant to be as Male/Female pairs, so please try if you can to mix it up and give your usual buddy a break.

50-calorie row 50 GHD sit-ups 50 wall-ball shots (20'/14') 50 box jump overs (24"/20")

Pairs may not move onto the next movement until they have both completed the Reps. You can split your reps however you want, but each person must do 50 reps each at each station before moving on.

Ever wondered what the typical benchmarks would be if you wanted to compete at the CrossFit Games? Here were the average lifts for the top 10 Men and Women in 2012 (divide by 2.2 if you want the Kg).

WOD - Thursday 23rd July

I hope you're all enjoying Games week so far, the 5pm class was about as full as it could be. It turns out that a small select few of our members actually are a bit fitter than the 55-59 year olds from 2012. Congratulations. Not me though! I just had to break those Kettlebell Swings a little bit too much....

In case you haven't noticed, the CrossFit Games started today with a beach WOD.....and, as is becoming tradition, we will be trying to arrange a beach WOD during a weekend afternoon in August at some point, weather depending. Watch this space.

Tomorrow's WOD is taken from the 2010 Crossfit Games Final event of the weekend.

When this came up in 2010, athletes did not know the workout until 60 seconds before it started. They were briefed and were expecting a bit of time to chalk/warm up , but amazingly they heard “3-2-1 go!” and the clock was ticking.

Part 1 - 7-minute AMRAP

30 push-ups with hand release Climb over the wall (we don’t have a wall so we’ll use a 48” Row of boxes – 2 deep! and be careful - Brad will supervise this and scale accordingly) 21 overhead squats (42.5kg/30kg) Climb back over the wall.

Rest exactly 3 minutes

Part 2- 7-minute AMRAP

30 toes-to-bar 21 ground to overhead (42.5kg/30kg)

scores to beat are:

Part 1 Rich Froning - 3 Rounds Kristan Clever - 2 Rounds + 4 OHS

Part 2 Ben Smith - 1 Round 18 GTOH Kristan Clever - 2 Rounds 4 TTB

WOD - Wednesday 22nd July

Awesome show today. I think it went something like this: Pre-WOD: "I don't think I'll be able to do that weight" During the WOD: "That first one felt ok, don't think about it too much though" After the Final Rope Climb "I have to try that final weight or it'll bug me" After Final C&J "PB! PB! PB! PB!..... never in doubt"

All of you tried the scary weight and really went for it. THAT is what matters. The weight is different for everyone, but the attitude was the same. It was great to see.

Also, lets just take a moment to reflect on the genius that was Brad's amazing barbell grid. Well played my friend.

Tomorrows WOD is taken from the 2012 Games Masters Division (55-59 year old)

10 Deadlifts (110kg/70kg) 20 Pull-ups 30 Box jumps (24"/20") 40 Kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 50 Double-unders 40 Kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 30 Box jumps (24"/20") 20 Pull-ups 10 Deadlifts (110kg/70kg)

Some times to beat:

Men 8.58 (Rick Rodriquez - Age 57) Women 11.07 (Diana Davidson- Age 56)

GAMES WEEK!- Tuesday 21st July

Great to see so many of the new On Rampers there today and cool to see the rest of you guys looking after them. Welcome to the start of your journey! Let the Games Begin!

This WOD is taken from the 2011 CrossFit Games. Rich Froning had narrowly missed out on being crowned Champion in 2010 as a result of not being able to climb a rope. So when the rope climb was once again programmed in 2011 it was his opportunity to redeem himself. After the WOD started, a couple of things quickly become clear, firstly Froning had now learned how to climb a rope and secondly he was not messing around this time. Here's the Video

Event 3 from the 2011 CrossFit Games


For time:
 15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
 145/115 pound Clean and jerk, 5 reps 15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents
 165/125 pound Clean and jerk, 4 reps
 15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
 185/135 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
 15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
 205/145 pound Clean and jerk, 2 reps
 15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
 225/155 pound Clean and jerk, 1 rep

Don't forget to bring long socks for the Rope.

Here are some times to try to beat ;)

Rich Froning 4.57 Jason Kahlipa 6.14

Annie Thorisdottir 6.54 Sam Briggs 8.52

WOD - Monday 20th July

Adopt an OnRamper! The July OnRampers graduated last Friday so lets welcome them in the only way we know how! PARTNER WOD!!!! Introduce yourself, high five them and if you want to, then partner them.

Just let the coach know that you want to 'adopt an OnRamper' at least for the duration of the WOD, and thus ease them into their amazing CrossFit journey they will make sure you are paired with someone.

For any OnRampers reading this, don't be afraid, all our members have been in your situation and know how it feels! We're a friendly bunch and will look after you. I promise! You've just got to show up and we'll take care of the rest.

Work Out of the Day

(Male weights/Female weights)

On-Rampers = 35kg/25kg Member= 60kg/40kg

40 Power Cleans Run 400m 60 Front Squats Run 400m 80 Deadlifts Run 400m

Split the barbell work as needed between you, but you both do the run together.

For the rest of the week, and to celebrate the CrossFit Games this weekend, the programming for the remainder of this week will be taken from past and present Games events. Post your favourites to Facebook for discussion.

Vickers - Saturday 18th July 2015

Today we celebrate the birthday of Lucy Vickers with fun team workout! In the short time Lucy has been a member with us she has  quickly become a regular denizen of the pain cave and often can be found on a Saturday morning rolling around on the floor and weeping!! In a good way!!!!  Some kind words from your partner in crime Seaford: Lucy, we all knew you were trouble when you walked into the box, but you have been a pleasure to have around. You haven't had any bad blood with anyone at all, and you always walk around with style. You most definitely look like a bit of a blank space after you complete a wod, but you just shake it off and get on with it. You may not be 22 any more, but your love story with CrossFit has got many years left. We hope you have a great birthday and you drink so much tequila you wake up tomorrow morning and you look straight at the empty bottle and say 'we are never ever getting back together!'

Happy birthday Lucy!!

Vickers... In teams of 3: 1) Run 100m with Dumbbell (20/15) 2) 20 Box Jumps (24"/20") 3) 30 Hand Release Press Ups

Each athlete starts on a station and completes the required work, once all athletes have completed the work they rotate to the next station. 

Scores is as many rounds completed in 25 mins as possible...  

WoD - Friday 17th July 2015

Short and sweet tonight, see you all in 12 days bitches... CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

Hang power clean & Jerk

B: Take 75% of part A and for 12mins perform

3 Power Cleans each min. Touch and go.

Please post loads to comments...

WoD - Thursday 16th July 2015

How are your legs team? CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20mins complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:

10 HSPUs 20 KB Swings (24/20kg) 40 Double Unders

Please post rounds and reps to comments...

WoD - Wednesday 15th July 2015

It was very similar to being inside a giant plastic rhino tonight...WAAAAAAAAAARMMM! CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 10 mins working on free standing handstands and or handstand walks

B: Within 5mins complete: Row 500m 20 Back Squats (100/70kg)* Rest the remaining time, repeat for 3 rounds.

*these should be taken from a rack and be heavy enough to make you think that you want to put the bar down, but if you really think about it...you don't actually have to.

Please post loads to comments....

WOD - Tuesday 14th July

Well done to those that completed todays WOD. It’s probably safe to say that you’re now fairly familiar with the Med Ball Clean! Don’t be alarmed if you wake up in the middle of the night to find yourself involuntarily performing medball cleans horizontally…… or at least that’s a good cover story if anyone queries what you’re doing ;)

The morning crew started off the WOD with some of the best executed reps I’ve seen in a while…….but then finished up with some very creative freestyled movements . Well done though, 150 reps of that is enough to make you forget your name!

Tomorrows WOD seems straight forward enough:

For Time:

7 Muscle Ups 15 Power Snatches (70/50kg) 7 Muscle Ups 15 GTOH (85/60kg) 7 Muscle Ups