^^^ Thats the first time that i've written 2015, weird! ^^^ So the silly season is over. The gym is back to normal and so therefore standby for disgusting workouts to come at you thick and fast. Remember your goals that are up on that whiteboard, spend this week figuring out a strategy to make them an achievement.
I myself am trying to achieve a "box demo" standard air squat that I am pleased with. To get this I am going to complete at least 5 wall squats everyday this year. You lot are now employed to make sure that they are done.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Wall Balls (20/14lbs) Dumbbell Snatch (45/35lbs - Alternating arms)*
B: 3 sets for max reps of:
*really SQUEEZE your butts on these reps, just like you would do for a KB swing. Focus on using your legs on the return to the floor and not just bending forward and surrendering your lumbar as it will smash you for days to follow.
Please post times and reps to comments....