WoD - Tuesday 15th July 2014
I bring you a gift from Paris, a devilish couplet which will leave you all begging for chalk and mercy!! Brad's hoover is going to be busy tomorrow! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Spend 15mins developing squat therapy
A little word from a CrossFit legend - Chris Spealler
B: For time:
21 - 15 - 9 Hang Squat Snatch (40/30kg) Chest To Bar Pull Ups*
*these ARE chest to bar pull ups, if you can't do them unassisted then take your balls off, kick them out of the door and scale so as you can complete the required range of motion. Women especially! ;-)
12min Time Cap
C: 3 sets of:
15 GHD Hip Extensions Rest 60s 15 GHD Glute Ham raises Rest 60s
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