Morning all! Excuse the ûber late post, I have literally just got back! Some ninja travel home from Paris ensured that I could not allow you revellers a sneak peak on what treats await you tomorrow (now today)! You are lucky that you are getting anything at all, considering how close we came to death on the M4 en route home, I joke you not! I'd be surprised if Mr Evans got home and did not kiss the sweet smelling tarmac of his driveway. Lucky escape! Anyway, know that I am alive I shall let you all know your fate...
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: 3 Rounds each for time of:
25 Wall Balls (14/12lbs) 15 Pull Ups Rest 60s
B: Within 8mins establish a 1RM Front Squat
C: Within 18mins complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
30 Double Unders 7 Unbroken Front Squats* 10 Burpees
*the load of these front squats is the athletes choice, however they MUST be heavy! A real push to get the reps out! I would suggest that 70% of part B would be a good guess.
If the Front Squats are broken by the bar touching the floor prior to the completion of all 7, then that round needs to be started from the beginning of the Double Unders.