Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Thursday 29th May 2014

Young Bradder's was spewing tonight guys, you lot have made him sound like an old man! His words actually were "i can't hear myself think!!" It might be due to his ridiculous hair, but it also might be due to you horrible lot bobbing off in every corner! Now, he is indeed growing up, but I don't want him being old before his time. So please, please do me a favour and SHUT THE HELL UP WHEN HE'S COACHING....please bitches! Still love you all!

Now try this out for size...

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: For a warm up complete:

3 Rounds each for time of: 5 Pull Ups 10 Russian KB swings (20/16kg) 8 Hand release Press ups Rest 60s (DON'T go mental, just focus on fluid, good movement)

B: 5 Rounds for time of:

48 Double Unders 24 KB Swings (32/20kg) 12 Burpees Rest 2mins

C: I'm going to give you a break from a part C. Instead, i'd like you to spend a good amount of time mobilising.

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