So, young Bradder's gets a mention two nights running... Bradley is leading us from the front, displaying the perfect CrossFit spirit by continuously learning and practicing new sports. Tonight his absence from the box was due to him taking part in his very first aquathlon, a swim and run! Now don't worry guys, he is in full control! Not only is he under the wing of an experienced extreme sports woman (LJ) but he has a cunning plan, as cunning as a fox with a degree from Oxford, should he get into trouble!! In case of any emergency, Bradder's is going straight for the big time...
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Not that I am expecting many of you to rock up the night before the "Bro and Ho down" but I shall post something anyway.
A: Within 10mins establish a 1RM press
Each athlete shift lift as many times as they wish with the allotted time, the sum of the heaviest lifts will be the final score.
B 10 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
This is on a "you go, I go" basis, with each athlete running 400m 5 times. The clock starts and time is called when the 10th round is completed.
Please post loads and times to comments...