So then gang, i am here tonight to tell you all about Woody "The Woodster" Wood, the bestest masseuse this side of Nagasaki! She is ready and willing to rub you down, using only essential oils and without shining a light into your eyes! Get your head in the hole and relax!!! All for his at a discounted price to CrossFit Cardiff members. She may even sing to you if you ask really nicely!

She has even recruited Jimi, AKA the techno wizard, to design a booking in system. She says that it will be so easy even young Bradder's will be able to use it!

Woody is currently creating a price list, allowing you to peruse which section of your body hair you'd like removed!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

To celebrate the soon to be wedded Ryan and Lisa, I have thought of a WoD that shouldn't bruise either of you and hopefully could be completed with shoulder injuries.

Congratulations to you both, I hope you have the best day! See you in Carson, fingers crossed!!

For time: Row 24 Cals 5 Rounds for time of: 12 Deadlifts (140/100kg) 12 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20") Row 24 Cals

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