I have some sad news...we have received our first official complaint :-I!! I suppose that will teach us to put a sign up!! Now they know who to complaint to! Please can you guys refrain from dropping weight and being generally loud outside. I think that will be cool, as I get how nice it is to train outside now that the summer has arrived. I shall offer these guys two free spots on the on ramp and see if I can't just get them to join in! ;-) I don't want to have to stop you guys from throwing down out there but we may have to screw the nut! The best solution would be just to get your WoD cracked quickly inside so as you can have more time to bronze out in the sun! Easy day!!
Aside from that, if you see any of the guys that were in Copenhagen at the weekend moping around then give them a hard slap with the biggest, wettest fish that you can find! Please repeat this process until they start smiling! This "treatment" can also be performed for those who look as if the European regionals apparel suppliers have vomited on them! ;-)
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Bulletproof Shoulder
B: Within 15mins establish a 1RM Hang Squat snatch
C: For time:
30 - 20 - 10
STOH (35/25kg) Double Unders Press Ups