Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Tuesday 20 May 2014

So the team have managed to endure the hardest part of the weekend and survive...the hung over journey home! Worse than any WoD presented to them over the weekend and they handled it like rockstars!! Proud of ya! Even the sign made it home, only after dropping onto Ross's head while driving at least a million times! It's has sustained mild damage during transit, but this just gives it character! What a weekend, come and gone so sodding quickly and now i find myself in a regular house, not a boat; going to bed on my own and not with a giant poodle who gets drunk and forgets to put water by his bed!!

I shall have to cook my own bacon and eggs tomorrow (hang on, no that part is still the same) but i will be able to have a hot shower!! ;-)

I'd just like to thank the team for being so F'ing cool! You lot went out onto a big dance floor, under the eyes of thousands, some of you for the first time ever, and did so with your heads held high! You gave everything that you could, every time, and were perfect examples of sportsmen and women! You showed respect, integrity, excellence, determination, cheerfulness in the face of adversity and I was proud to call you my teammate. Take a bow and know that I will compete with you legends again any day! Thank you.

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD


3 Rounds each for time of:

10 Power Cleans (40/30kg) 10 STOH (40/30kg) 10 Back Squats (40/30kg) Rest 90s


Within 10mins complete an AMRAP of:

5 Muscle ups 10 Thrusters (60/40kg)


Spend 10mins working on squat therapy