Partner WoD - Friday 4th April 2014
Please excuse the late post, i was out and about and unable to remember my password and so could not post the workout. Never mind anyway, you guys thrive of the unknown and unknowable hey?! :-I Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Within 20mins complete as many rounds and reps of:
10 Double Kettlebell Cleans (24/16kg) 8 Double Kettlebell Front Squats (24/16kg) 6 Double Kettlebell STOH (24/16kg)
Whilst one athlete is performing the above complex, the other shall do:
20 Burpees 40 Double Unders
The athlete working on the KBs will continue to accumulate rounds and reps until all the burpees and double unders are completed, partners will then swap.
Please post rounds and reps to comments...