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run 1 mile

WoD - Thursday 19th July, 2018

WoD - Thursday 19th July, 2018

Abs like slaaaaaaabs!!! Holy butt cheeks that workout hurt! A cheeky little sprint of complex movements, a powerful demonstration of how once you get the hip doing what it should, every.single.thing else falls into place; you even somehow get more money in the bank and are unsurprisingly far more attractive to the opposite or same sex! ;-) BICEP EMOJI! 

I'd love to tell you that we were turning the heat down tomorrow, but nope!!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time and load:
Run 1 mile
Within 10 mins: 1 Rep Max Cluster (squat clean thruster)
Run 1 mile

One piece flows immediately into the next, as soon as you return from the run, get that bar moving! 
Get those lightening times and massive loads posted to the whiteboard before you disperse please lovelies! 


WoD - Monday 26th March, 2018

WoD - Monday 26th March, 2018

Welcome to a new week you fitness fanatics. I can already sense that you are busting to get going. The exciting things about this week is that your fate is being left up to a guest programmer. Oakley, luckily for her, lives MILES away, but...I know exactly where. So, if you want revenge, just let me know. 

Next on the list, is the end of week and end of Open throw down. Now, this is a coloured team specific event, however, anyone is welcome. Should we have additional folk, not currently allocated to a team, you will be split evenly amongst each. You will just have to wear a green t-shirt, blue shorts and red socks...and look f**king cool doing it! 

The day
10:00 - 10:30
: arrive, brief and warm up (this may take a minute)
10:30 - 12:00: WOD
12:00 - 12:30: Hang out, recover, get food
12:30 - 14:30: Screening of the new CrossFit feature film: "The Redeemed and the Dominant"
15:00 - 03:00: GET SMASHED!!!*
*Timing is subject to change! 


This 90mins window is one continuous workout, divided into sections where teams will sub athletes in and out, in twos and three male or female teams, decided in American style team huddles*, but finalised by the captain. 

For example: (this example may be correct, or maybe a red herring)
Min 0 - 15: 3 female team members will complete a 1RM Clean and Jerk
Min 15 - 25: 3 mixed gender team members will complete an AMRAP of: 400m Run
Min 25 - 40:*************

And so on. 

The full details of this 90mins will be released in sections throughout the week. But importantly, they will all be channeled towards fore-filling the traits of the massively successful Open season that we have had so far: masses of fun, hugely supportive and community developing. All inclusive. 

Anyway. Please keep your eyes peeled on the website, facebook and Instagram for further details. Could someone who is reading this, please tell Hugh, as he has none of the above. ;-) 

*American style team huddles not compulsory and are in fact, not advised. 

What you have all been waiting for. Oakley's thrashing number 1. Can anyone go unbroken?

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
50 Pull ups

Please, go hard on that run, grit your teeth on the MBCs, and do NOT exit horizontally from the bar in an effort to get your times on the whiteboard first! 

Can you tell which one she is? 

Can you tell which one she is? 

WoD - Thursday 14th December , 2017

Man we are so close I can almost smell Ash's vomit! 2 SLEEPS!!

So I have already posted the opening times over Xmas. If you didn't see them there here's a link...

CrossFit Cardiff Christmas Opening Hours

What you will notice is that we are open on Christmas morning, and here's why. While I worked within the Marines, in Iraq and for the Ambulance service, I had to work Christmas's. For eleven straight years I was away from home or working. Now I'm not crazy about Xmas, but I do love the fact that it's the one time of year that you get to see all the amazing people within your life, typically all in one place.
So when you are half way around the world, or you have to work a 12 hour shift, it sucks and regardless of who you are, the mind wanders. 
We have something very special down at CrossFit Cardiff, a community that has been noted by many visitors as to be something that they admire, and desire. 
For those of you who are working, or even if you just can't take a rest day, or may not actually see another human being on Xmas day by choice...come down to the box. It'll be cold, it might even be raining, but there will be a few willing folk to suffer (the only suffering is listening to Mariah) through 150 burpees. Afterwards we can eat mince pies, for recovery of course, drink coffee if you want, and spare a thought for those who are miles away from those who love them, or even just down the road. 

If you can spare a few minutes, at 11am, come down and hang out. Even if you just eat mince pies, and do NO burpees, it would be cool to see you. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
10 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 200m
8 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 800m
4 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 1 mile
2 Bar Muscle Ups

Please bitch slap Conroy and write your times to the white board...
