Abs like slaaaaaaabs!!! Holy butt cheeks that workout hurt! A cheeky little sprint of complex movements, a powerful demonstration of how once you get the hip doing what it should, every.single.thing else falls into place; you even somehow get more money in the bank and are unsurprisingly far more attractive to the opposite or same sex! ;-) BICEP EMOJI! 

I'd love to tell you that we were turning the heat down tomorrow, but nope!!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time and load:
Run 1 mile
Within 10 mins: 1 Rep Max Cluster (squat clean thruster)
Run 1 mile

One piece flows immediately into the next, as soon as you return from the run, get that bar moving! 
Get those lightening times and massive loads posted to the whiteboard before you disperse please lovelies! 
