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WoD - Tuesday 17th September, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 17th September, 2019

Exciting times are coming to the box in October…the Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2020! Read below for deets…


We are going to do things a little differently this time. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Get yourselves signed up here - and make sure to enter your affiliate as Reebok CrossFit Cardiff (after next Wednesday! 😉)
2. We will divide you into two teams at random - Team Name TBC and Team Name TBC. Each team will have a captain 👩🏼‍✈️👨🏻‍✈️. The captain will be responsible for allocating a charity of their choice.
3. Each week the teams will be able to raise money for their chosen charity as they see fit - through collaborative and individual efforts e.g. bake sale, baked bean bath, head shave. The team with the most raised that week wins a point. The team with the most donations at the end of 5 weeks wins an additional 6 points.
4. Within the team - you will be allocated a partner at random. You will complete the workouts as individuals, however you are encouraged to judge/cheer on your partner. Regardless of whether you complete the WoD Rx or scaled your score will be collated on a gym leaderboard (male and female combined) and ranked by reps/time/load. Yours and your partners score will be added together to make a partner leaderboard. At the end of the 5 weeks we will have a pair stood at the top of the pile winning the newly formed RCFC AFFILIATE CUP 🏆.

Get yourselves signed up and more info will follow! This year the RCFC Open more than ever is for everyone regardless of ability, and this year we use our amazing community to give back to the communities around us. Let us know if you have any queries.

Still not convinced, check out these dudes…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 3 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 burpees
10m Handstand Walk

Rest for 3 minutes

Within 4 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Burpees
5m Handstand Walk

Rest for 4 minutes

Within 5 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
15 Burpees
15m Handstand Walk

Please get those rounds and reps of this challenging workout up to the whiteboard…

The open.jpg

WoD - Monday 1st April, 2019

WoD - Monday 1st April, 2019

Pinch, punch, first of the month! The clocks have gone forward and Ash is getting extremely nervous…now that the summer is actually coming, he is going to have to start dodging the sun.

I seriously hope that you legends have had an amazing weekend, conjuring up some hilarious practical jokes to play on your “buddies” tomorrow, implementing some top bants to begin a new week.

Some suggestions:
- Wrap everything in your friends room in kitchen foil.
- Wrap their cars with industrial sized cling film, throw water on it, wrap it again.
- Plant watercress on their bedroom carpets, in the shape of a rude object or insult.
- Take all four wheels of their car off, place said car on bricks, and hide the wheel’s bolts around the area providing a cryptic treasure map of their location.
- Fill the air vents on their cars with talcum powder, direct them towards their faces and turn to full power.

More classics exist. If you would please add to this list via our facebook comments I would greatly appreciate it. I am more than happy to test any ideas on Hannah at any point.

We begin this week by finishing last week’s coaches benchmarks, the Ginger Ninja. This is NOT an April fools joke.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds:
Within 2 mins:
20/17 Calorie Row
1 Rope Climb
Max Distance Handstand Walk*
Rest 4mins between rounds

*complete HSWs in 15ft blocks

Get those first weekly scores up on the whiteboard and enjoy the additional hour of daylight!

ASH Snow.copy.jpeg

WoD - Friday 29th March, 2019

WoD - Friday 29th March, 2019

Now then, the penultimate addition of Coach’s week…Suller. Only one left with Ash, I wonder what movements he could possibly love that much to be programmed into a workout?!

The other super exciting piece of news is that this weekend The Notebook of fitness will be back with it’s mind boggling workouts, not only testing and developing your fitness but your mind too! The weather is set to be very sexy, no reason for you lot not to rock up on mass! Even more importantly, the open isn’t quite yet complete, we still have 19.6!!! Self created by you lot, and rather than involving thrusters and burpees, you get to drink beer instead.
PLAN: MEET AT THE SLUG AND LETTUCE (Next to the Hilton Hotel) @8PM TOMORROW (Friday) NIGHT…drink beer (or whatever you fancy)
Have a banging weekend folk, catch you on the flip side.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups
10 Squat Cleans (110/80kg)
20 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
10 Squat Cleans (110/80kg)

Once your shoulders have been fully transformed into boulders, get your scores on the board and go drink beer…



WoD - Tuesday 9th October, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 9th October, 2018

Now even though this abuse will officially stem from last week’s “assault,” I can’t really see how tonight will be (I am writing this pre, yet you are reading it post) any different at all.

My prediction will be that Nick may well gain a significant amount of burpees in round one, and possibly not actually be able to complete rounds four or five.
I even took the liberty, last week, of taking a couple of pictures of Nick, post workout. Which, has really all I need for any class involving those amazing machines.

Nick, please comment below and tell me that I was wrong…I can tell the future!

If I haven’t confused the living hell out of you then I will be mighty impressed. Back to the present…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

In teams of 3 and for time:
15 rounds:
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Toes To Bar
20/15 Calorie row

These are you go, I go rounds.

Please write completed times and inventive team names to the whiteboard…


WoD - Wednesday 20th June, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 20th June, 2018

Now I fully understand that this is not pleasant, however nor should it be. But, and this is going to be hard to see right now...once you get through tomorrow you won't have to worry, it's all downhill from here! 
How could we possibly program anything to cause you more pain?? 

The very best thing about this workout is that you get to watch Nick lose his soul, and maybe some of his insides. Personally, I cannot wait! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for Max Calories of:
30s Assault Bike
Rest 4:30 between rounds

Please, if you survive, go and punch Ash in the baby maker but before you do, wrote you total calories to the whiteboard...

This is just what you are gonna look like after the first round too...

This is just what you are gonna look like after the first round too...