Pinch, punch, first of the month! The clocks have gone forward and Ash is getting extremely nervous…now that the summer is actually coming, he is going to have to start dodging the sun.

I seriously hope that you legends have had an amazing weekend, conjuring up some hilarious practical jokes to play on your “buddies” tomorrow, implementing some top bants to begin a new week.

Some suggestions:
- Wrap everything in your friends room in kitchen foil.
- Wrap their cars with industrial sized cling film, throw water on it, wrap it again.
- Plant watercress on their bedroom carpets, in the shape of a rude object or insult.
- Take all four wheels of their car off, place said car on bricks, and hide the wheel’s bolts around the area providing a cryptic treasure map of their location.
- Fill the air vents on their cars with talcum powder, direct them towards their faces and turn to full power.

More classics exist. If you would please add to this list via our facebook comments I would greatly appreciate it. I am more than happy to test any ideas on Hannah at any point.

We begin this week by finishing last week’s coaches benchmarks, the Ginger Ninja. This is NOT an April fools joke.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds:
Within 2 mins:
20/17 Calorie Row
1 Rope Climb
Max Distance Handstand Walk*
Rest 4mins between rounds

*complete HSWs in 15ft blocks

Get those first weekly scores up on the whiteboard and enjoy the additional hour of daylight!

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