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Where we stand

Where we stand

The developments within the world of CrossFit over the last 72 hours have been fast paced. We understand people were attempting to seek clarification on our position, and we apologise if we have caused any offence by our silence but we were using this time to reflect.

Here is where we stand.

At CrossFit Cardiff we want to express how disappointed and let down we feel by the recent words and actions of Greg Glassman. We do not believe these words have a place within an inclusive society, and we wholeheartedly believe his actions do not represent the values of our gym or our community.

Racial inequality is a problem so deeply ingrained within the world we live in and we would like to use our platform, our privilege, to express our solidarity with the black community. Black Lives Do Matter. However, we unreservedly acknowledge that we will never truly understand the inequalities experienced by so many within our society.

We will remain a CrossFit Affiliate.

Within the last 24 hours, positive change has been implemented within CrossFit HQ, one which will be the first step to a major re-structure and overhaul of company dynamics. We trust in the methodology, the power of the community and that the new hierarchy will drive CrossFit forwards positively; forging a bright future.

We believe in the methodology, and we believe the methodology is more than just one man. We have been fortunate over the last 9 years to see the real positive impacts of this training methodology, and we believe this can continue to positively impact the lives of many. We will continue to keep in close contact with CrossFit HQ and we will be a part of this change.

We are going to take some time to listen, to reflect and to learn - we are going to make mistakes and we acknowledge this, but we want to grow. We will strive in continuing to provide our members with a welcoming and an inclusive place to train.

We are committed to you, our family.

Tomorrow is a new day.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 20 minutes of:
5 Strict handstand push ups
10 Bent over rows (40/30kg)
20 Reverse lunges

1 Barbell (40/30kg)
1 Rucksack
1/2 DBs/KBs

Warm up
Mixed Tabata
The Finnish warm up*
Air squats
Alternate the 20s of work between the Finnish Warm up and air squats. Rest 10 seconds between, 4 of each

*You all remember. Or if you don’t…
Get onto all fours, lift your knees one inch off the ground and for 10s lift all four of your hands and feet off the floor independently of each other, as quickly as you can.

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

White CCs.jpeg

WoD - Tuesday 21st April, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 21st April, 2020

From a potentially longer duration workout with a fair bit of movement redundancy (similar movements) we have a 10 minute window to get after it.
”Sprinty” as in I want you to go as hard as you can throughout each movement, made possible by the fact that they should not effect each other.
A caveat for you. We have L-sit holds, a very challenging movement and one that should not be the limiting factor. If the allotted time is too long for you to do unbroken, then go for as long as you can and move on. It’s cool. If it takes you 3 minutes to accumulate a 30s hold then you won’t get the intended gassy response from the workout.

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 10mins of:
30 Alternating dumbbell hang clean & jerks (50/35lbs) (One object, irrelevant of load, go fast!)
30 seconds L-sit hold
200m Run*

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here

*If running is not an option for you, then perform high knees (only half way up) for 60s

Warm up
2 Rounds not for time,
Run 200m (or 60s of high knees)
Hold your load in the goblet position, 15 good mornings
10 Shoulder circles forward, 10 back
Single leg high knee hold (15s on either leg)


WoD - Monday 17th February, 2020

WoD - Monday 17th February, 2020

What better way is there to spend valentines weekend then throwing down with a bunch of your buddies?! Hell of a day that. Thank you all for showing your support and giving both those workouts and the walkabout dance floor a good thrashing!
The 10 year celebration is going to be something else!

Please see below for possibly the greatest picture that Sash Shots has ever taken.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time: 
30 Ring muscle ups
60 Dumbbell overhead squat (50/35lbs)*

* 30 reps can be split per arm as athletes see fit.

Times up on the board please…

Met Con

5 Rounds each for time: 
Sprint 200m
Rest 6 minutes between efforts 

Oppo Catch.JPG

WoD - Thursday 16th May, 2019

WoD - Thursday 16th May, 2019

Everyone likes a surprise right?! Especially when it’s intended to get you big and strong and as a result have you lifting bigger tin, helping out around the house a little more, giving you a bigger bank balance and allowing you to look like a true bad ass while on the beach in this glorious weather!

You are lucky though, as my intended surprise was originally a little more spicy. But I was reigned in by Conroy, who is far more sensible and was really, completely correct on this occasion.

Gear yourselves up anyway legends. Only a few days before The Threedown kicks off. I know that Joey is more excited, than an excited person who has a special reason to be excited! Help other folk out during the day, I’m sure nerves and excitement will be running high, having the home ground advantage is just that. Smile, high five, chest bump and maybe even dish out a few cheeky, chalky hugs. Create a supportive atmosphere where people can only thrive. Have a blast!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Squat
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5*

The first set should be at 80-85% of last Wednesday’s 1RM. Climb gradually throughout.

Please write loads for each set as well as total CMs left remaining until your skinny jeans occlude your femoral arteries…


WoD - Thursday 11th April, 2019

WoD - Thursday 11th April, 2019

How can 8mins possibly hurt so much?! Well if you do the first round unbroken in 45 seconds, you are halfway towards your answer.
There is a lot to be said about suicide pace, it’s certainly the most enjoyable for the trainer. There is nothing more satisfying than watching an athlete pull the pin and take off in the first 30s, safe in the knowledge that you can sit back, eat some popcorn and watch the show.

I am firmly hoping that I see the very same thing tomorrow please…

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For time:
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
Then 4 Rounds of:
5 Ring Muscle Ups
50 Air Squats
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
Then 4 Rounds of:
5 Ring Muscle Ups
50 Air Squats
Athletes can split this work however they like, only one person can be working at a time.

Please write completed times to the whiteboard following the last air squat.

Ellie is always so happy when Assault Bike workouts are programmed.

Ellie is always so happy when Assault Bike workouts are programmed.

WoD - Friday 29th March, 2019

WoD - Friday 29th March, 2019

Now then, the penultimate addition of Coach’s week…Suller. Only one left with Ash, I wonder what movements he could possibly love that much to be programmed into a workout?!

The other super exciting piece of news is that this weekend The Notebook of fitness will be back with it’s mind boggling workouts, not only testing and developing your fitness but your mind too! The weather is set to be very sexy, no reason for you lot not to rock up on mass! Even more importantly, the open isn’t quite yet complete, we still have 19.6!!! Self created by you lot, and rather than involving thrusters and burpees, you get to drink beer instead.
PLAN: MEET AT THE SLUG AND LETTUCE (Next to the Hilton Hotel) @8PM TOMORROW (Friday) NIGHT…drink beer (or whatever you fancy)
Have a banging weekend folk, catch you on the flip side.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups
10 Squat Cleans (110/80kg)
20 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
10 Squat Cleans (110/80kg)

Once your shoulders have been fully transformed into boulders, get your scores on the board and go drink beer…



WoD - Wednesday 27th March, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 27th March, 2019

What an amazing day for getting your butts out in the sunshine, hanging out (maybe with your wangers out) but definitely on cool things like motorbikes, or in (or outside) CrossFit gyms playing with rugby balls, spike balls or maybe a dude of a puppy!?
Obviously after you have smashed the living hell out of yourselves with a workout of course. And what better than to do one named after one of your all time favourite folk?

Now I could spend a significant amount of time waffling on about how much of a stud Hannah is, but none of you really have a spare few hours to read it all.
She’s cool, hot as hell, loves people and helping them, kicks butt on open workouts and can make a pretty decent cup of tea! You all love her, but likely a little less after this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
30 - 20 - 10
10 - 20 - 30
Pull ups
Power clean (50/35kg)

Stagger over to the whiteboard and record your blistering scores with your blistered hands…

I’m sure Conroy has a “better” picture of Han somewhere

I’m sure Conroy has a “better” picture of Han somewhere

WoD - Friday 22nd March, 2019

WoD - Friday 22nd March, 2019

This must be what the night before your wedding feels like, all tense and nervous. Waiting, wondering, contemplating what it is going to feel like, to walk rather down the aisle, but up to the barbell to bang out as many thrusters as Dave Castro wants you to. Unfricking lucky!

We all know that Castro just loves a thruster, and so we may as well love them too. Get excited, because you are going to do the workout whether you want to or not…and so false motivation is better than no motivation…

Just don’t be all “American” about it! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds Each for Time: 
20/15 Calorie Row
30 KBS (20/16kg)
20/15 Calorie Row 

Rest 3 mins between rounds

Holy movement redundancy Batman, nevermind that though, get your times up on the whiteboard…


WoD - Tuesday 12th March, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 12th March, 2019

SCORES!! If you are reading this now, at 8:01, you are both addicted and cool!! And will know that we have had great success so far this open with almost no one, f**king up their score submission…don’t stop now team!! There is only one real way to ensure that your team wins, and it is unfortunately NOT to make bas assed Green Giraffes, but to get your SCORES SUBMITTED prior to the DEADLINE of 10pm!! DO IT. NOW if you haven’t, go on!!

I mean even Hannah Richards has ALREADY submitted…shitty death!!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
15 - 12 - 9
Chest To Bar Pull Ups

Rest 5 mins

For time:
9 - 12 - 15
Chest To Bar Pull Ups

A nasty bit of pull and push will get Sexy Stu all ready for the summer months on the beach, but we only know it’s happened if your scores are up on that board…


WoD - Wednesday 13th February, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 13th February, 2019

Now come on ladies, you need to keep up with the gents here. At a CrossFit Games Open sign up of 24 so far, only 6 of you are lovely females. Now the very last thing that we want this to be is a ginormous sausagefest, pleeeeease!

Sign up to the Open you rat bags, come on…I know it’s only because your scared! But there is really no need to be, us men will go easy on you. You know, let you win a workout or two.
Lads, you have to be with me on this, otherwise they won’t sign up. You can’t just thrash the ladies in every workout - let them have at least one.

I wonder if at this point my email go crazy with female membership cancellations or, the reverse psychology works and our open sign ups go through the roof?!

Anyway, are we closer to figuring out the week’s structure yet…no…I don’t blame you, there isn’t one!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box Jumps (24/20”)
12 Push Press (50/35kg)
9 Toes To Bar

I hope you don’t have to do this with one arm, like I had to in 2012. Sucks that way, it turns out. Kick your own ass from the previous attempt and get your rounds and reps up in red on the whiteboard…


WoD - Thursday 30th August, 2018

WoD - Thursday 30th August, 2018

Nancy was more than just 'naughty'...she was a total bitch! There are no surprises there though hey! Just to throw a mere bit of perspective your way, below are the top male and female times of those utter nut cases from this event during the 2013 CrossFit Games:

Josh Bridges: 16:31 (Don't know him!)
Kaleena Ladeairous: 1646 (BEAST!)

Now, I have some important info about the coming month, previously posted yet now added to...

Throughout the recent Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns, the UK lost a huge amount of servicemen and women, unfortunately, many of whom went seamlessly unnoticed. The media reported on the goings on, yet so many of these lives were forgotten about almost immediately. 
Until you are in that world, it is very difficult to attempt to understand how it feels. These selfless heroes laying down their lives, fighting not to defend their country from bombing raids or invasions, but for each other. 
When searching for the definition of Camaraderie I found this..."mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together." In no way does that come close to describing the bond formed between soldiers. A Google for Military Camaraderie arrives far closer to the mark with... "There is nothing in the civilian workforce that can approximate the bonding that occurs in wartime. ... It follows therefore that finding the military version of camaraderie in a civilian occupation is almost impossible."... Quite possibly then, no words will suffice? Surely though, when confronted with such extreme environments, to protect one another is merely human nature? Like a mother or father protecting their children?

I may have fallen well short of the mark, attempting to describe this to you all, but what I do know is that I witness a part of it everyday. The support offered to each other throughout a tough workout, the shared suffering, binds people together like no amounts of bicep curls or calf raises every would. Did you ever wonder why you find so many friends at the gym?

I want to give back. On the 29th of September, at 11:00 the Trainers will begin a 24 hour event. In pairs, we will complete 633 Clean and Jerks, loading to be dictated by an average body weight per pair. One rep for each life. We have 24 hours to finish. 
Even though the full 24 hours is reserved for the team, on the day there will be various different ways in which you will all be able to take part. 

The Royal Marines pride themselves on peak physical performance and unbreakable mental resilience. Commando Training is almost entirely centred around a final hurdle; The Commando Tests. Four extremely difficult feats which not only test the fitness of the recruit, but also simply his ability to endure pain. Developed from the start, the Commando qualities are fully engrained into most by this stage and are exactly what, allows these young men to succeed: 

Courage, Determination, Unselfishness and Cheerfulness in the face of Adversity

Yet, these tests attempted separately, without the cumulative affect of the 30 week Commando Course are entirely doable. The 633 Event is no different. However, it too is placed at the end of a significant challenge. 

Each workout posted in the month of September, programmed for Monday - Saturday, will be a hero WoD. Most of these will be named after fallen Royal Marines, yet others from different services will be posted, each for good reason.
These workout will be hard, every single one of them. They will make you sore and challenge your body. Be careful and don't you be a hero. If you need to rest, do so. If you feel any kind of niggle then back off, listen to the team and scale when told to do so.
You will not necessarily get fitter during this month, and that is not our intention. You may have to perform the same movement two days in a row. You may work for long periods of time and feel significant discomfort as a result. Do NOT add additional workouts, train twice a day and be sure to rest when needed. 

We have the month of September to raise as much money as possible. Destined for the Royal Marines Charity, they will be sending the funds to Reorg. A Foundation who's mission is to help any Royal Marine, serving or veteran, suffering with the after effects caused by these brutal campaigns.  

The Just giving page is live, and ready for you to donate...

Please, do what you can. Various mini events will take place throughout September, get stuck in and help us to raise money for those who desperately deserve it. 

To get the ball rolling, where possible, we are requesting a £1 donation, in a bucket at the gym, per person, per hero workout attended. If this is something you are able to do then thank you.

We start on Saturday

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps within 20 minutes of:
10 Calorie Assault bike
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

Please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard...


WoD - Saturday 7th January 2017

A rare Saturday workout posting for you guys. Usually reserved as a special surprise but tomorrow we have a special opportunity to help the wider CrossFit community.

Rachel Park unexpectedly passed away on the 27th of December leaving behind her husband and their 9 month old triplet daughters. They were recently in the news about being home in time for Christmas.
Bill Swampy Moore and CrossFit No Ego are running a fund raising WoD to raise money for their family at this terrible time. 
Please come to the gym and help out, anything that you can give would be very much appreciated. If you can't be there but would like to donate something, please click here

Alex and Phil will be leading the workout, so please come and help them out. 
See you Monday legends...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

'Park Triplets'

AMRAP 3mins
3 Power Cleans (50/30kg)
6 Goblet Squats (24/16kg Kettlebell)
9 Hand Release Press Ups

Rest 60s

AMRAP 6mins
3 Power Snatch (50/30kg)
6 Burpees
9 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

Rest 60s

AMRAP 9mins
3 Clean and jerk (50/30kg)
6 Pull Ups
9 Ab Mat Sit Ups

Rest 60s

3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
39 Back Squats (50/30kg)

Please post total reps and total time, including rest to comments...

WoD - Monday 7th March 2016

Reports of die hard 16.2 performances have been reaching as far as Canary Wharf, London this weekend. 

Aside from that, I was luck enough to visit another gym on Friday night to see them all throw down. What I was presented with was a solid community, of a newly established box similar to what we had 4 years ago. We have grown, as will they, into what I saw last Friday: somewhere that I would travel miles to to train; a place where I want to spend my free time, with people who get it...a fucking cool box.

A few more folk are still to complete 16.2. #inittogetheruntiltheend

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

Within 20min complete an AMRAP of:

5 thruster (40/30kg)
7 Hang Power Clean (40/30kg)
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (40/30kg)

Please post rounds and reps to comments...