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WoD - Tuesday 1st November, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 1st November, 2022

Okay okay, I am wishing my own life away by ridding us of the last day of October. NOW it’s November… means I have to wear shorts for one more day!

The wedding was a roaring success, no need to worry, I was right! The only issue we had was Cath Knapton’s very heavy left foot. The picture is simply entitled… NUMPTIES!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds each for time of
Within 3 minutes:
400m run

Every minute  for 10 minutes:
2 Bar muscle ups

4 Rounds
5 Tuck to L-sit
5 Strict chest to bar
5 Strict toes to bar
20s Chin over bar hold

WoD - Monday 24th October, 2022

WoD - Monday 24th October, 2022

Happy Monday morning you lovely lot! I hope the weekend was kind to you and you enjoyed the last Saturday class that Mikey B will deliver to you as a free man.

This time next week, he and the very lucky Sam K will be married!

For this extremely joyous occasion, the staff will be in attendance, on mass. As a result CrossFit Cardiff will be CLOSED ON SUNDAY OCTOBER THE 30th. Meaning that you actually get to enjoy the extra hour in bed!

Now, Mikey is programming this week, but don’t worry he is definitely not stressed about losing his freedom, and certainly has NOT taken it all out on you with his workouts! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Each for time:
Run 1600m
Rest 8 mins
Run 800m
Rest 4mins
Run 600m
Rest 2mins
Run 400m

WoD - Monday 20th August, 2018

WoD - Monday 20th August, 2018

I hope each and every one of your weekends were as drunken and thoroughly enjoyable as mine! 

I would like to share with you a brief message. An extremely boozy, seemingly whisky sponsored Scottish wedding, full of kilt wearing CrossFitters (going "Commando") is absolutely no good for your health...turns out! It is however, huge amounts of fun! 
Congratulations to good friends, made family through a bond of shared suffering. How perfectly weird is that to all of us!? 

Start the week right...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for time:
30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
20 Pull Ups

Legs and arms and shoulders...all a great recipe for wobbly whiteboard times...
