Viewing entries tagged
Power Snatch

WoD - Tuesday 27th August, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 27th August, 2019

By now, you should all already be struggling! Stairs are no longer your friends, and your efforts to treat yourself to a “posh wee” are thwarted by DOMs causing you to collapse on top of your porcelain throne and fall entirely scathed and unattractively with a thud!
No solace is can be found from an unsympathetic husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, dog/cat as they look down on you and ask…”what the f**k are you doing?”

And, it is all about to get far worse…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete each round for time:
25 Pull Ups 
75 Double Unders
20/15/10 Power Snatch
Male Loading: 40/55/70kg
Female Loading: 30/40/50kg

Rest 5 minutes between rounds

Please record each round time to the whiteboard…

Really, it’s all his fault!

Really, it’s all his fault!

WoD - Tuesday 2nd July, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 2nd July, 2019

How much fun was that WoD?? Not knowing if you will fly through the high rings at any moment due to a lack of feeling in those guns, legit!

We must rally. Bind together like chalk after Ash has had his sweaty mitts in there, preparing for sprints on the concept 2 bike erg (of course you need chalk)! Over the last few months there has been something missing, a void of banter, making that gym quiet and cold, barren! Of course I am referring to Groves!
Mark Groves to be precise.

Take turns, daily, to hound him. Saturate his inbox, facebook wall, slide into his IG DMs and get that man back! Grove, these nanos aren’t going to train themselves!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minute

3 Touch and Go Power Snatch

The goal for these sets is to increase loading throughout. Get those small increments up on the whiteboard please…


WoD - Friday 5th April, 2019

WoD - Friday 5th April, 2019

The Friday feel is here, and although the roads were littered with white vans full of builders, driving to Cardiff from the valleys with snow covering their rooftops…the BBC says that we are set for a 3 month heat wave.
Yep, summer is officially coming. Get those t-shirt sun tans to the next level from the middle of this month onwards.

From then on, no bullshit EMOMs will be allowed in open gym, rather just some serious spike ball battles outside in the rays! Just don’t blame me and it’s utter bullshit as usual!

Now you are going to f**king LOVE this workout…NOT!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Wall ball (20/14lbs)
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Power snatch

Power Snatch Loading
(50 - 52.5 - 55 - 57.5 - 60kg)
(70 - 75 - 80 - 85 - 90kg)


WoD - Tuesday 2nd October, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 2nd October, 2018

Now that the dust has settled a little I will comment minimally on the weekend. Minimally only because my knuckles are swollen enough to cause typing to be annoyingly painful.

Speaking of swollen knuckles, you warriors are going to be proudly sporting your battle scars about the gym today, and if not (due to a well earned rest day) then maybe at work if you had to go, or your favourite coffee shop if you didn’t! Either way, I hope you told as many people as you could that you got them by partaking in a hugely successful and awesomely cool event!
But, don’t forget that it wasn’t just Saturday…the whole month was a build up to that day. Ensuring that when we began, we were already sore. I can promise you now, when I got home yesterday, I felt just like I did many years ago upon completion of the Commando Phase of Royal Marines training; f**ked! It was perfect.

Not quite as perfect though, as that last rep. Rep 633, in complete silence and to be able to do so in front of you all, was truly something that will be remembered for years to come.

The pot is up to £3494, more than tripling the intended target and will reach over £4000 once the donations have been counted and the money from t-shirt sales has been transferred. In fact, it may well be closer to £5000. What an achievement, I couldn’t be more proud of you all.

It was just an awesome month!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
9 Squat Snatch (60/40kg)
15 Power Snatch (50/35kg)
21 Overhead Squat (40/30kg)
150 Double Unders
21 Overhead Squat (40/30kg)
15 Power Snatch (50/35kg)
9 Squat Snatch (60/40kg)

Please post times to the whiteboard…


WoD - Wednesday 11th July, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 11th July, 2018

I've been moving house, sorry! But, i'm nearly there, and so if you lovely buggers wish to come over and have a snoop, coffee, whatever, then let me know. 

Ps. When the oven pride instructions suggest that you wear long gloves...WEAR long gloves!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

With a 20 minute running clock first perform:
A 10 min EMOM of:
2 Touch And Go Power Snatch
1 Overhead Squat...
Remaining time find 1 Rep Max Squat Snatch

Please work up in load throughout and write your scores to the whiteboard once done...

When you have no vase but f**king cool friends!

When you have no vase but f**king cool friends!

WoD - Thursday 11th January, 2018

Well the open is just around the corner. NUTS!! For those of you who aren't sure what the open is, have a gander here...

I still saw some poor soul clutching to the silly season with a ninja death grip, still proudly displaying a Xmas tree. LET IT GO BUDDY! 

There is really no need to worry anyway, it will be that time of year again before you know it. Just not before a shit ton of awesome fitness, and a blisteringly cool summer! It's coming!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Reebok CrossFit Games Open WoD 16.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches (75/55lbs)
3 bar muscle-ups

Please check your scores from last year, if you did it, to see how much fitter you are. Or probably not if you are me. 

Record rounds and reps to the whiteboard...


WoD - Thursday 14th September, 2017

Yep, so that hurt just about as much as I expected...maybe a little more! Those wall balls crept up very quickly, but only on the right quad!! Anyone else? What hurt? Ass? Quads? Lungs?? 

Always, be very wary of workouts with programmed rest!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 25mins complete an AMRAP of:

Run 200m
10 TTB
30 Double Unders
10 Power Snatch (35/25kg)

Please post rounds and reps to the white board....

Accessory Program

4 x 5 eccentric ring rows (1s up/5s down - use band if required)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
10 Single leg glute raises - per leg
Static Ankle Stretch - Barbell or single leg heavy KB - 2mins per leg
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down.

Superset between Set 2 and 3:
8 Static lunges to standing - per leg/front foot on top of 2x20kg plates
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up

Superset between Set 3 and 4:
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down
10 Narrow stance squats

Superset following set 4:
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up
10 Dumbbell overhead squats (one or two dumbbells. SUPER LIGHT)

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:
10 GHD Back Extensions
5 Kip swings, 5 Kipping pull ups
15 Wall Squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
20 GHD hip extensions
15 Wall Squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
5 Kip swings, 5 Kipping pull ups
10 GHD Back Extensions
Rest as needed between rounds, ensuring that quality of movement can be maintained


WoD - Tuesday 7th February 2017

The birthday week continues with a RIIIIGHT treat! Nope, not a cake, but a present...FITNESS

Just in time for the Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2017. Yep, it's come around fast right? If this is your first year, then click HERE to watch a super cool video that will explain all. 

Now. I understand, from years of doing so, that people get a little nervous about signing up. I am not going to push anyone to get involved; competing isn't for everyone. Regardless, and I say this every.single.year, should you decide to lace up your pumps and go against the likes of Rich Froning, Kara Webb and Kathryn Lawson, then I guarantee a few things are going to happen: you will get five seriously good workouts; more than likely discover that you can do a lot more than you thought; be a part of inspirational, community driven performances, that if you can't do yourselves already, will be able to by next year. 

But, if that still doesn't tickle your fancy, make you curious to see what are truly capable of then this might...MAN UP AND SIGN UP...It's f**king cool!! 

Plus, i'll be seeing Castro today so will get the heads up! ;-) 

This year, CrossFit Cardiff WILL be performing these WoDs as the Saturday morning workout. And here's why:

  • The Friday morning class gets a fair crack at the whip.
  • The coaching staff have more time to plan and prep.
  • If the WoDs are logistical epics then people typically have more time on the weekend.
  • The rest of the day is yours and let's face it, some of these workouts are going to take that long to recover from.
  • We all remember the atmosphere we had last year when 16.5 luckily fell on Good Friday; a bank holiday. Juno lounge was humming with the sound of bar-facing burpee and thruster stories, not to mention the stench of you lot post shit fest! ;-) 

The above is with the exception of Week 2. We are hosting a CrossFit L1 at the box that weekend and so will post about the timings for the open WoD closer to the time.

Anyway, don't put off the inevitable, sign up! Those who do...BE SURE TO ADD YOURSELF TO OUR TEAM: Reebok CrossFit Cardiff. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 2 Rounds each for time of:
25 Thrusters (45/30kg)
25 TTB
25 Power Snatch (45/30kg)
50 Double Unders
From the top of the first minute, perform 5 burpees each minute, throughout.
Rest 3mins between rounds.

B: Exactly 5mins after completing part A:
Set a 1RM Clean & Jerk within a 7min window

WoD - Monday 23rd January 2017

On Rampers...WELCOME!!!

Firstly, congrats on surviving 'Fight Gone Bad' on Friday. Or like some of you coined it...'Death Gone Well!' 

Now it's time to come and play, luckily for you, with the best folk about. We have a partner WoD for you guys, meaning that you will for sure meet someone. In case you hadn't guessed, it is not ok to partner up with a fellow on ramper. The legends of the gym will take you under their supportive wings and ensure you guys are looked after. 

You existing bad asses of CrossFit know what to do!!!

If you had forgotten: Class times:

6:30 - 7:30am
5:00 - 6:00pm
6:00 - 7:00pm
7:00 - 8:00pm

Remember. Rock up and have a fucking good time! I know, that it will be the very best hour of your day. 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For Time:
60 Power Snatch (60/40kg)
Run 800m
60 Clean & Jerk (60/40kg)
Run 800m

Partners may choice to split the reps in anyway they wish, but must run together. 

Please post times to the whiteboard...