The birthday week continues with a RIIIIGHT treat! Nope, not a cake, but a present...FITNESS
Just in time for the Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2017. Yep, it's come around fast right? If this is your first year, then click HERE to watch a super cool video that will explain all.
Now. I understand, from years of doing so, that people get a little nervous about signing up. I am not going to push anyone to get involved; competing isn't for everyone. Regardless, and I say this every.single.year, should you decide to lace up your pumps and go against the likes of Rich Froning, Kara Webb and Kathryn Lawson, then I guarantee a few things are going to happen: you will get five seriously good workouts; more than likely discover that you can do a lot more than you thought; be a part of inspirational, community driven performances, that if you can't do yourselves already, will be able to by next year.
But, if that still doesn't tickle your fancy, make you curious to see what are truly capable of then this might...MAN UP AND SIGN UP...It's f**king cool!!
Plus, i'll be seeing Castro today so will get the heads up! ;-)
This year, CrossFit Cardiff WILL be performing these WoDs as the Saturday morning workout. And here's why:
- The Friday morning class gets a fair crack at the whip.
- The coaching staff have more time to plan and prep.
- If the WoDs are logistical epics then people typically have more time on the weekend.
- The rest of the day is yours and let's face it, some of these workouts are going to take that long to recover from.
- We all remember the atmosphere we had last year when 16.5 luckily fell on Good Friday; a bank holiday. Juno lounge was humming with the sound of bar-facing burpee and thruster stories, not to mention the stench of you lot post shit fest! ;-)
The above is with the exception of Week 2. We are hosting a CrossFit L1 at the box that weekend and so will post about the timings for the open WoD closer to the time.
Anyway, don't put off the inevitable, sign up! Those who do...BE SURE TO ADD YOURSELF TO OUR TEAM: Reebok CrossFit Cardiff.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: 2 Rounds each for time of:
25 Thrusters (45/30kg)
25 TTB
25 Power Snatch (45/30kg)
50 Double Unders
From the top of the first minute, perform 5 burpees each minute, throughout.
Rest 3mins between rounds.
B: Exactly 5mins after completing part A:
Set a 1RM Clean & Jerk within a 7min window