Viewing entries tagged
New Year

WoD - Wednesday 29th December, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 29th December, 2021

With another year nearly done, the commitment to 2022 is near. I have focus for you all…

Training, specifically CrossFit is hard! It’s not something that comes naturally to every single person and here’s why… it fuuuuuuuuuckin hurts! One day, far from now, maybe… it will be a habit. Something genuinely makes you feel better.

Here is the commitment for 2022, turn up and work as hard as you possibly can… every single time but, for that day. It is one hour of your day, that’s it! Not just one hour, but honestly the very best hour.
So, put the weight on the bar, do the gymnastics movements and… run in the rain, hard and fast, holding yourselves to the standard. No one else really will. Do all of the reps, run all of the distance as, it will make you better.

I can’t wait to watch you all go!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
21/18 Calorie assault bike
15 Kettlebell swings (24/20kg)
9 Deadlifts (100/70kg)

Get those rounds and reps up to the whiteboard before you leave…

WoD - Monday 4th January, 2021

WoD - Monday 4th January, 2021

Man it feels good to write 2021 in the title! It’s over, at least that utter shitter of a year is, but…we are still in the fight.

With the silly season over, we are officially back into day one of training. 

Zoom classes

08:00 - 09:00
18:00 - 19:00

10:30 - 11:30

Create a routine, it really really helps. Get involved in class. You can train alone, or you can train with others.

Every single member who attends a zoom class is more than welcome to bring a buddy for the duration of lockdown. Free of charge. Give the gift of fitness and community!

Unfortunately, 2020 has taught us all about lockdowns and I’m sure none of you will disagree with the fact that they firmly suck!

But, lets not pay them lip service. Stay on top of your routine and you will be far better for it. Unless your surname is Gates or Bezos you are vulnerable. 

The whole point of the CrossFit community is for times like these...
Daily we support and cheer each other on to finish the last round of thrusters or the dying calories on that bastard bike. These moment’s develop something more long lasting and far more important. A camaraderie and relationship that extends far further.

We can’t write our annual goals up on our board and tirelessly devote time to them. And to that end I have a goal for you all:
Do one thing for someone else, everyday. Whether it’s known or unknown, public or hidden, do one thing that will positively benefit one of your Oppo’s.
In creating that habit, we won’t just come out of this time but come out stronger!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds of:
In 45 seconds...
Max burpees
Rest 15 seconds
In 45 seconds...
Max double unders
Rest 15 seconds

Please get those pictures/videos of your workouts uploaded to insta and tag us…

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WoD - Monday 30th December, 2019

WoD - Monday 30th December, 2019

Two more opportunities to polish the year of fitness off, as well as start working on that additional “holiday weight” and…off set the carnage that the new year is bound to ensue. If you come tomorrow and Tuesday, it officially cancels out any amounts of celebration…it is science and almost entirely factual!

REMEMBER the timings:
10:00 - 11:00: WoD Class
11:00 - 12:30: Open Gym

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
For total time and reps, complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 10 minutes of:
10 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
10 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
You Go, I Go rounds

- REST 2 mins -

100 Bike calories (split however) 

Enjoy and get those rounds and times up, so that you can enjoy the new year…

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