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WoD - Monday 9th January, 2022

WoD - Monday 9th January, 2022

DO NOT forget that there is a nutritional chat at 7pm this coming Wednesday, replacing the regular class. It will genuinely be like rocket fuel to your training.

Also prepare yourselves for a low level of banter this week, sorry.

But you can occupy yourselves with a load of best wishes delivered to Ryan for his birthday today (the guy is seriously kicking the arse out of it mind so don’t go too silly)… get him back on that assault bike! He will try to tell you that he has already done them, on Saturday, don’t believe him… he just wanted to do an additional set. Weird.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 rounds:
1. 20/18 Calorie row
2. 20/18 Calorie assault bike
3. Rest 1 minute


WoD - Friday 29th July, 2022

WoD - Friday 29th July, 2022

The last Friday of July, this year, as with all others is fricking motoring past!

Auto corrects are hellish weird by the way, fricking just corrected to tricking and I have never text someone telling them to Duck Off!! 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

Enjoy the weekend please ducks (guess what that was supposed to be)! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 Calorie row
50 Double dumbbell devils press (50/35lbs)
50 Calorie row

*just so that you know, this workout is savage… SCALE IT

WoD - Tuesday 19th July, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 19th July, 2022

So then, how was it? Anyone get to the set of 15 thrusters and the world start closing in?
Man I remember it so well. The carnage that is used to cause… Fran of course. The first time I ever did it was on my CrossFit Level One Trainer course in 2008 out in San Deigo. I couldn’t kip, despite the cue from the training team of “just kip the shit out of out of it'“. guess what… it didn’t work!

It’s doing that workout where I discovered I could kip. In Fitness first on the two angled handles above the cable cross over machine in the middle of the set of 15s; it just came to me. I’m actually kipping! The euphoria created soon gave way when I turned around to find my bar had been taken by someone else, ruining my certain to have been PB time; a lightening 9 odd minutes. Pricks and they don’t get it.

Anyway, we go on…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Perform each interval for time:
600m - 600m - 600m
400m - 400m - 400m
200m - 200m - 200m
Rest 2 minutes between each run

A: Rope climbs

B: 4 sets of
10 Toes to rings
1 Length wobble carry

WoD - Tuesday 22nd March, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 22nd March, 2022

I am writing this while travelling back from London on the train, having just checked the weather forecast for the up and coming week. Let’s please just hope that whoever wrote it is NOT utterly full of 💩.
And that rather than it get cloudy on the weekend (WTF is that about), that it get sunnier still!

Get those fingers of yours crossed please!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back Squats:
12 - 12 - 12 - 12

Heavy, heavy sets please!!

Handstand holds

A: Free standing handstand practice

B: Accessories:
3 Sets
5 - 10 Handstand tuck ups
5 Strict toes to bar or negatives
2 Lengths overhead dumbbell carry

WoD - Monday 21st, March, 2022

WoD - Monday 21st, March, 2022

This Monday two years ago was entirely different, the first one of zoom classes! It is bonkers that that was two whole years ago. Never again please!

The weekend was an absolute belter, and that can come again!

We had some awesome back and forth on the programming group this past week, all in aid of providing the very best opportunity for you guys to be stood outside, by the hedge, attempting to find your keys!

Speaking of lockdowns, we did tomorrow’s workout (ish) as an outdoors WoD when we had to be outside, luckily on a sunny day. Well now that we are inside we will do the inside version…sorry!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Time:
1 Mile run with a medicine ball (20/14lbs)
10 rounds of:
5 Sandbag over shoulder (50/35kg)
10 Toes-to-bar
1 Mile run with a medicine ball (20/14lbs)

Don’t cherry pick, just rock up and an hour later I bet you have surprised yourself, a lot!!

WoD - Tuesday 15th March, 2022

WoD - Tuesday 15th March, 2022

Here’s to hoping that you absolutely savaged yourselves on that wonderful workout yesterday! It’s given me a very, VERY good idea! An idea for a wonderful surprise for you all! You are already welcome!

Tomorrow the goal is to sprint like your life depends on it please… there is a big and very real shark chasing you on that rower… get the F away from it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 6 rounds:
Every 5 minutes complete:
300/250m Row

Rest the remaining

Handstand holds
A: Free standing handstand practice

3 Sets
5 - 10 Handstand tuck ups
5 Strict toes to bar or negatives
2 Lengths overhead dumbbell carry 

WoD - Monday 14th March, 2022

WoD - Monday 14th March, 2022

The weekend is over and Mikey B is angry about it. He said something about kicking your arses with the programming this week, I mean I said that was a little harsh Mikey, but he wouldn’t listen!

The open is now over, and the timing is perfect… for you all to get yourselves to the specialty classes so that you are able to work on that muscle up technique for next year!

Right then, lets start off with a bang, one hell of a bang…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
15 Overhead squats (40/30kg)

Be sure to record your times for this benchmark workout as it will come up again…