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WoD - Wednesday 21st April, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 21st April, 2021

179 take over, and maybe the last one. Come and get involved and stuck in. You will not regret it! Apart from the workout part, you will regret that! That will hurt like hell! But…they all do.

Zoom link to be posted on FB again, it will be the same as per usual however. Get stuck in.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For maximum reps, in front of a 12 minute clock:
1 Minute of sumo deadlift high pull
1 Minute of front rack lunges
1 Minute of sit ups
There is NO REST between rounds.

Barbell: 40/30kg
Dumbbell: 50/35lbs
Kettlebell: 24/16kg
Rucksack: 20/15kg

Goooooooooood luck!


WoD - 6th April, 2021

WoD - 6th April, 2021

Whoever is reading this certainly cares about their health, you wouldn’t have googled this or set your reminder that “the blog is out!” otherwise! 😉

And so, I am asking you to get the word out to those who are on the fence. If there is anything that the last 12 months have taught us is that we need to give a shit about our health. What we eat, our daily activities have never been so important. It is vital that we pave the way for our families in a positive way.

Stand up and have a say. In a world gripped by a health crisis, to make it illegal to use gyms but actually subsidise fast food is surely complete madness! It is actually criminal. Especially when there is absolutely zero evidence to prove that these wonderful facilities are dangerous.
Try explaining the above statement to the bloke who you run into that has been living by a waterfall for the last 12 months with no iPhone, what do you think they would say?!
The world has surely gone mad.

If you care about your health, and that of your families then go and join some likeminded folk on Saturday and tell the rest of Wales.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Each minute, on the minute, for 20 total minutes:
Odd - Run 200m
Even - 15 sit ups

Just you and no load…make those 200’s FAST!


WoD - Friday 12th February, 2021

WoD - Friday 12th February, 2021

It’s Friday, AGAIN!! Genuinely nuts how quickly these are coming around, maybe not for everyone but, at least for lots lockdown will be over faster at this rate.

Enjoy your weekend, but only after one finally weekly thrashing!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 200m
50 mountain climbers
Run 200m
30 Goblet squats

Dumbbell: 50/35lbs
Kettlebell: 24/16kg
Rucksack: 20/15kg

Get those videos tagged to socials…

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WoD - Friday 6th November 2020

WoD - Friday 6th November 2020

So then, as of Monday we are back but with even further changes…

Unfortunately, irrelevant of the fact that we are perfectly capable of social distancing far more athletes, we have been forced to limit our capacity per class even further to 15. I have tried everything I can but this, for now, is just the way it is. I really don’t want this to be the case, think it is ridiculous and extremely short sighted and narrow minded of the Welsh Assembly. Gym’s are different, have larger or smaller capacities but rules are rules…unless of course it is perceived to be an “open gym” style, then anything goes.

Now, as a result of the above stipulation I will be maintaining the specialty class at 20 people. The reasoning behind this will be explained to all who attend. And the reason for that (rather than me typing) is that this is a one-way form of communication and it can often be left up to the reader.
The above point is night and day simple, specialty is a different matter and as stated will therefore be explained.

Apart from that, nothing changes. Get back into the gym as often as you can. Please respect all of the relevant guidelines which we have all become accustomed to and just train as hard as you can every time…if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that training is a privilege that can easily be taken for granted.

I will continue to support you all, and hopefully continue to fight the good fight, attempting to unite with any other gym owners who are up for a scrap, to have gym’s listed as an essential service. Should we win, this won’t allow us to alter class sizes, host Christmas parties or tell COVID to fuck right off at the door, but become exempt from any further lockdowns which, I’m sure we all know are coming.

Apologies if this post isn’t the easiest to read, report me to the grammar police, but it should be perfectly easy to understand.

Anyway, lets end this lockdown (hopefully the last that we are effected by) as we started the first…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 Rounds of:
20 Burpees
30 Air squats

So simple it is incredibly painful…trust me!

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WoD - Friday 25th October, 2019

WoD - Friday 25th October, 2019

Nutrition is the foundation of health. Nutrition is the foundation of athletic performance.

Irrelevant of your goal within CrossFit, life, what you put in your mouth will lead to either a positive or negative effect. Despite what someone may look like physically, health may well still be a significant issue. Metabolic derangement can exist regardless of training volume or frequency, skinny but sick! Athletic but sick! Sick and still sick!

Recently I have been lucky enough to meet some very influential people within the nutritional world, those who’s knowledge on the subject is unparalleled and so I will be turning to those experts and asking for help. In various methods, which will all be revealed soon. Keep your eyes posted.

Until then, I will repost these amazing short videos produced by CrossFit HQ. Get them made and share pictures/videos of the results.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

B: Within a 10 minute window: 
Establish a 1RM Hang power clean 

Rest 5 mins

B: 11.1 With a Twist

Within 10 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
30 Double unders
15 Hang power clean (40/30kg)

Again, if you are able to use a pen, please write your scores up to the whiteboard…