Nutrition is the foundation of health. Nutrition is the foundation of athletic performance.
Irrelevant of your goal within CrossFit, life, what you put in your mouth will lead to either a positive or negative effect. Despite what someone may look like physically, health may well still be a significant issue. Metabolic derangement can exist regardless of training volume or frequency, skinny but sick! Athletic but sick! Sick and still sick!
Recently I have been lucky enough to meet some very influential people within the nutritional world, those who’s knowledge on the subject is unparalleled and so I will be turning to those experts and asking for help. In various methods, which will all be revealed soon. Keep your eyes posted.
Until then, I will repost these amazing short videos produced by CrossFit HQ. Get them made and share pictures/videos of the results.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
B: Within a 10 minute window:
Establish a 1RM Hang power clean
Rest 5 mins
B: 11.1 With a Twist
Within 10 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
30 Double unders
15 Hang power clean (40/30kg)
Again, if you are able to use a pen, please write your scores up to the whiteboard…