Now then, IF there are two German Shorthaired Pointers in the gym tomorrow night they will be highly trained savages. DO NOT touch them! One word from me and they will be set upon you at a great speed and agility. Their favourite target is a rep dodger! 😉
Affection towards dogs rewards the behaviour that is currently being displayed. Meaning that if they are calm then you will train a calm dog. If they are excited…
Affection immediately upon greeting commonly causes or embeds separation anxiety by teaching the dog that people represent excitement. The behaviour makes us feel great, eventually it creates a stressed and anxiety ridden, dependant dog.
When you greet, no eyes, no sound, no touch. Once the dog is in a position of calm, calm reward.
Knowledge bomb Wednesday.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 12 minutes of
5 Hang squat cleans (70/50kg)
10 Toes to bar
50 Double unders