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WoD - Monday 7th March, 2022

WoD - Monday 7th March, 2022

So the weatherman/woman was being a prick… taunting us with the belief that there will be sunny days for the first four days of the week, not cool people!

Anyway, we don’t need it where we are headed anyway - we have plenty of barbells and GHDs and weights to lift, not a problem.
They can scare us all they like with plummeting temperatures, we will just do more thrusters to fight back…

Get those 22.2 scores in please legends! You all crushed it by the sounds. One more week to go and don’t you worry, I am programming and so you won’t have to do a different version of it on Friday… he says with zero confidence.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30
25 - 20 - 15
GHD sit ups
Thrusters (40/30kg)

Who can do the thrusters unbroken?

WoD - Friday 22nd May, 2020

WoD - Friday 22nd May, 2020

So then, we go on! The Iso Open is into it’s penultimate week of this hot competition and there is only one way to get involved. Lace up your nanos, do your cossak squats and get those double unders linked (no one wants attractive whip marks on a bank holiday Monday!

On that note, Monday will only see one led zoom class at 10:00am. The codes will be the same as the regular 8am & 6pm.

Further, keep your eyes peeled on FB for a bad ass social gathering for a Super Sunday Sesh, organised by the SS…Social Secretaries. Chill!
They are currently hard at work, organising a mad, mental evening for you all!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

Iso Open WoD 4
For time:
75 Press ups
150 Double unders
50 Air squats
100 Double unders
100 Air squats
50 Double unders
150 Air squats
75 Press ups

For this, and every other Iso Open WoD, please records scores to this google sheet (link). As this is for time and doesn’t require a rep count, please insert your time as one number.
For example. If I complete the work in 10:01 then my score will be 1001 no decimal points. Easy.

Score must be uploaded by close of play on Monday please

Warm up
Go for a longer run, in the sun. 5mins out and 5mins back
2 rounds of:
30 Single unders
20 Cossak lunges
10 Walk outs with a press up


WoD - Monday 17th February, 2020

WoD - Monday 17th February, 2020

What better way is there to spend valentines weekend then throwing down with a bunch of your buddies?! Hell of a day that. Thank you all for showing your support and giving both those workouts and the walkabout dance floor a good thrashing!
The 10 year celebration is going to be something else!

Please see below for possibly the greatest picture that Sash Shots has ever taken.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time: 
30 Ring muscle ups
60 Dumbbell overhead squat (50/35lbs)*

* 30 reps can be split per arm as athletes see fit.

Times up on the board please…

Met Con

5 Rounds each for time: 
Sprint 200m
Rest 6 minutes between efforts 

Oppo Catch.JPG

9 Year Throwdown

9 Year Throwdown

Okay okay, some info for you lovelies. Well done, you have managed to survive the communication black out with only texting/emailing/DMing/carrier pigeoning me into an oblivion for the past few days!

All is to be revealed

The Intention
We are going to have a seriously FUN and very CHILLED out day of team fitness. Teams will be decided by us, at random and allocated at the briefing tomorrow (timings below). The events will run one after the other, with a “scoreboard” placed on the whiteboard and loosely updated as the day goes on.
There will be no prizes, presentations or podiums because…we do not give a f**k…it’s a FUN and very CHILLED day of fitness.

The adult exercise will be followed by drunkenness. In various forms and loosely coordinated by our two, newly appointed Social Hand grenades. Kirsty “I will drink until my trousers fall off” Lightowler and Cath “I get Splott drunk” Knapton. Please look to them for any after circular activities.

The Timings

The Workouts

Workout One
’Fight Gone Bad’
Three rounds of:
Wall ball shots (20/14lbs) (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high pull (35/25kg) (Reps)
Box jump (20") (Reps)
Push press, (35/25kg) (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Workout Two

Within 2mins 
25/20 Assault Bike Calories 
1 RM Snatch
Within 1min
20/15 Assault Bike Calories
1RM Clean & Jerk
All team mates go. 1 x male and 1 x female barbell. Remainder of the team can load. As many attempts can be made during the designated time.
15min rolling clock

Workout Three

5 Rounds for time of:
20 Synchro toes to bar
20 Synchro burpees
10/15/20/25/30 Sandbag cleans (50/35kg) 

Teams must switch a minimum of one athlete per round
For example:
R1: Al & Davs (10 Sandbag Cleans)
R2: Ash & Suller (15 Sandbag Cleans)
R3: Joey & Davs (20 Sandbag Cleans)
R4: Al & Ash (25 Sandbag Cleans)
R5: Joey & Suller (30 Sandbag Cleans)

Workout Four

For time:
Run 400m (team must carry the deadlift barbell for the run)*
450 Double Unders
100 Partner Deadlifts
75 Overhead Squat*
75 Partner Deadlifts
50 Overhead Squat
50 Partner Deadlifts
25 Overhead Squat
450 Double Unders
Run 400m

Deadlift (100kg)
Overhead Squat (50/35kg)
*overhead squat split between athletes as needed

See you legends tomorrow.

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WoD - Friday 14th February, 20120

WoD - Friday 14th February, 20120

In doing these hero workouts, I am exposing myself to things that I haven’t done in a long arsed time, running 10 miles as a part of a workout for example (I have actually never done that), something that 15 years ago I could’ve happily done before breakfast. Genuinely without feeling anything the next day.
That might be seen to some as a negative. I’m sure the 15 year difference hasn’t helped, yet what is more likely is that these days I am not a specialist. Which, is a big bonus.
Running, pull ups, press ups, carrying heavy shit a long way was my bread and butter. Being held in high regard as being “fit”, so much fitness was outside of my comfort zone! That is the beauty of CrossFit.

The smartest of the British Military know that, and, have embraced it. Likely propelling some seriously strong willed men and women into seriously tough folk!

Either all of that, or my Rhabdo has taken hold of me and these are my last dying words! Apart from…


ARRIVE: 09:45
Briefing: 10:00
FIRST WOD: 10:30

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 5 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Power cleans (80/55kg)
50 Double unders

Rest 5 mins

Within 5 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Back squats (80/55kg)
10 Ring dips

Scores…you know what to do!

Met Con

5 rounds for time:
20/15 Calorie row
15 Pull ups

See above…


WoD - Friday 13th September, 2019

WoD - Friday 13th September, 2019

Get your lucky socks on, definitely do NOT walk under any ladders or allow any black cats to cross your path, (wait is that lucky?*), step over cracks and side step three drains in a row. And of course, make sure that you are extra careful around mirrors! In fact, just don’t go near one!

*who cares, just get up and crack on with your day as normal, pee into the face of Friday the 13th, it’s all bollocks anyway!

But DO remember Monday’s gym timings please

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean (50/35)
Ring muscle ups

Thats a ton of reps hey!? Nah, it just looks like a lot. Get your final weekly timings on the board and enjoy a the last sunshine of the summer!

Friday 13th.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 24th April, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 24th April, 2019

Whoooooosh….did you see that?? Our summer, gone…is something a cynical prick might say! Not me though…I have faith in the Great British summertime! We will be enjoying cleaning melted on sausage fat from BBQ’s and applying aftersun lotion into highly embarrassing t-shirt tans for many months to come!
We just might have to get our nanos wet a couple more times before we do!

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

In a ‘you go, I go’ style, in teams of 3, complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 10 minutes of:
10 Cal Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
Max Double Unders*

*1 Athlete working through set
1 Athlete accumulating double unders 
1 Athlete resting

Each round is an all out sprint, get yourselves two buddies and proudly write up some lung busting scores.


WoD - Monday 15th April, 2019

WoD - Monday 15th April, 2019

Right then, it is now officially the halfway period of the month, and so…where is this heat wave Fish you prick!? It’s like what your mother said, “I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed!

Here’s hoping you lot have had an amazing weekend welcoming Georgia into the world, celebrating the best looking family situated this side of Nagasaki; drinking copious amounts of good beer and coffee in the sunshine and kicking your own butts with fitness!
Now though, hit Monday hard.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 rounds for time of:
10 Front Squat (80/60kg)
Run 800m

Hard and fast please, push the pace of the run and finish directly in front of the whiteboard so that you are able to write times on up…

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WoD - Friday 5th April, 2019

WoD - Friday 5th April, 2019

The Friday feel is here, and although the roads were littered with white vans full of builders, driving to Cardiff from the valleys with snow covering their rooftops…the BBC says that we are set for a 3 month heat wave.
Yep, summer is officially coming. Get those t-shirt sun tans to the next level from the middle of this month onwards.

From then on, no bullshit EMOMs will be allowed in open gym, rather just some serious spike ball battles outside in the rays! Just don’t blame me and it’s utter bullshit as usual!

Now you are going to f**king LOVE this workout…NOT!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Wall ball (20/14lbs)
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Power snatch

Power Snatch Loading
(50 - 52.5 - 55 - 57.5 - 60kg)
(70 - 75 - 80 - 85 - 90kg)


WoD - Friday 8th March, 2019

WoD - Friday 8th March, 2019

Remember please team. There will be no Met Con class on Friday 8th of March; tomorrow or today, depending on just when you are reading this post.
However, if you ignore my plea and rock up anyway, simply perform the following outside, take a picture and tag us on Instagram @reebokcrossfitcardiff…

4 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
50 Air Squats.

Luke will be leading you all through the below, wonderful workout…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
Row 2000m
Death By Burpee

This is “cheeky”, and we have done it before. Crush your last times, or completed distance and get the new scores up on the board please.


WoD - Thursday 7th March, 2019

WoD - Thursday 7th March, 2019

So then, hands up if:
1. You f**king loved Fran, it was the best thing you have ever done and you can’t wait for it come around again.
2. You PB’d like a boss, smashing your last time into the ground.
3. As a result you can no longer breath effectively and are wheezing like an asthmatic carrying some heavy shopping!

Good fun right?! What’s the bet that 19.3 will be thrusters and pull ups. Guesses to comments below please, the closest will receive a well timed and fully committed arse spank!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds each for time:
20 Box jump (24/20”)
15/12 Calorie Assault bike
20 Toes To Bar
Rest 4mins between rounds

Please post times of each round to the whiteboard.


The Interbox Team Showdown

The Interbox Team Showdown

It's here! The day of the final team show down. 

Get down the gym and have a blast on your Saturday. Stay later and watch the feature film, hang with your buddies and have a laugh. Following the event, I am fairly sure that at least some will be heading out on the lash, especially if your names are Woody and Jimi and you have a long weekend to get over the fear!! 

The last two pieces of the puzzle are below...


Part G

From minute 77 to minute 87
3 Team members will Perform an AMRAP of:
5 Shoulder to Overhead (60/40kg)
25 Air Squats
Reps can be split in any fashion, with 1 athlete working at any one time.

Part H 
From minute 87 to minute 90
3 Team members will Perform an AMRAP of:
1 athlete to be working at any one time.

Trust rather than judges will be used to determine the loads, rounds and reps of all sections. Fun is the intention rather than being crowned the official winning team. 

Hours are: 
Briefing at 10:00
Workout Starts at 10:30
Workout Ends at 12:00
Drunken fun begins!!  
