In doing these hero workouts, I am exposing myself to things that I haven’t done in a long arsed time, running 10 miles as a part of a workout for example (I have actually never done that), something that 15 years ago I could’ve happily done before breakfast. Genuinely without feeling anything the next day.
That might be seen to some as a negative. I’m sure the 15 year difference hasn’t helped, yet what is more likely is that these days I am not a specialist. Which, is a big bonus.
Running, pull ups, press ups, carrying heavy shit a long way was my bread and butter. Being held in high regard as being “fit”, so much fitness was outside of my comfort zone! That is the beauty of CrossFit.

The smartest of the British Military know that, and, have embraced it. Likely propelling some seriously strong willed men and women into seriously tough folk!

Either all of that, or my Rhabdo has taken hold of me and these are my last dying words! Apart from…


ARRIVE: 09:45
Briefing: 10:00
FIRST WOD: 10:30

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 5 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Power cleans (80/55kg)
50 Double unders

Rest 5 mins

Within 5 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Back squats (80/55kg)
10 Ring dips

Scores…you know what to do!

Met Con

5 rounds for time:
20/15 Calorie row
15 Pull ups

See above…
