Viewing entries tagged
Front Rack Walking Lunge

WoD - Wednesday 23rd October, 2024

WoD - Wednesday 23rd October, 2024

Mid-week and ready for a vile strength blasting in order to celebrate. GOOD LUCK JANET!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
16 - 14 - 12 - 10
Front rack walking lunges
Increase weight after each set

WoD - Wednesday, 16th February, 2022

WoD - Wednesday, 16th February, 2022

The summer months are coming, just remember that, the very reason why we are doing this to you all. I’m only thinking of your peachy butts in those speedos!

Getting cracking with a cheeky hump day beasting…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For max load:
5 Sets of:
5 Front rack walking lunge
5 Front squat
5 Front rack walking lunge

You will not be able to breath at the end of this, and nor should you be. Scores up please legends…

WoD  - Wednesday 16th January, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 16th January, 2019

Some housekeeping team. Please remember that there is an L1 at the box this weekend, meaning that we will be closed until 5:30pm on Sunday when Liv will be allowing you to ‘relax’ away all those weekend troubles, cure the hang overs and get you all fighting fit for another Monday.

Tomorrow, we are letting you loose on a new movement…the Inverted Burpee. A huge challenge for core strength, coordination, , agility, accuracy and balance; in other words, some serious vestibular system training…you’re welcome!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

14 Rounds For Time, in a you go, I go fashion of:
1 Deadlift (180/110kg)
15m Front Rack Dumbbell Lunge (2x50/35lbs) 
6 Inverted Burpee

Once you no longer want to vomit, please write times to the whiteboard…

Clearly you will all be looking like the above, especially following some top notch coaching! And NOT like the below!

WoD - Thursday 3rd January, 2019

WoD - Thursday 3rd January, 2019

06:30 saw a small yet perfectly formed bunch of committed legends hitting the 2019 ground running, only to be violently stopped in their tracks by a gazillion air squats. And if that didn’t do it then some cheeky lunges will! Well you didn’t want to be able to function over the weekend did you?!

Remember then team, the new timetable will be fully enforced next week, with Liv kicking us off this Sunday at 12pm. Yoga hour!

This class will take place at the same time for the first three Sunday’s of each month and is FREE.99 to unlimited members. Get in and get stretchy strong! But, before you do that…just come in and get strong!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Front rack lunges
10 - 10 - 10 - 10

Build in load while maintaining technique
Wobble your way over to the whiteboard and write down the load used for each set…

Road Runner.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 21st November, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 21st November, 2018

Well I always remember it being bad but that was horrendous! A little bit of a right of passage though, especially for me seeing as it was my first ever CrossFit workout. Why the hell I’m sat here writing this to you, still doing CrossFit and having opened my own gym I have no idea…maybe I just wanted to share the “love”…not wanting to keep that special feeling all to myself!

Talking about special feelings…get your monies in for the Christmas party please. Affording you lot the ability to experience the special feeling of alcohol on December 21st. It’s now a month away and I need to give numbers over to Tiny Rebel. I need to get numbers to them by the end of the month…do not miss out.
£20 in CASH at the box to a coach and we shall record your name. Sorted! I would use this post to display a picture of last years carnage, but…there isn’t one! Not one picture out of 70 people! At least 70 smart phones in one room (some of those of you who are not to be trusted who own two) and not one picture! That tells you three things:

  1. Everyone was having such a kick ass time that they forgot to take their phones out of their pockets to record the event.

  2. You really should make sure you buy a ticket to this year in order to experience it!

  3. All of us were waaaaaaaay too pissed to be able to work our phones anyway!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Front Rack Walking Lunge
10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Use these sets to build load throughout. Load is technique dependant.

Please record your ass breaking weights to the whiteboard upon completion…


WoD - Tuesday 1st May, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 1st May, 2018

Pinch, punch, first of the month!

Is it just me, or is this year flying by. I bet if you copied and pasted that sentence into google you'd get a few blog posts come back at you. It's true though, when there are this many kick assed, fun workouts to do to keep you busy, the weeks just blitz by! 

How much fun was it running in the sun? And leaving the gym in I love the summer!! Long may it continue please Mr Fish. 

It's alright too, we've got you'll be needing to lend Ash's shitty stick this're welcome! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 5 Reps per arm of:

Turkish Get Ups
(work up in weight per rep - focus on quality of movement)

B: For 5 sets of ascending load

10 Front Rack Walking Lunges
5 Front Squats
10 Front Rack Walking Lunges
5 Front Squats



WoD - Friday 15th December, 2017

The long await is nearly over. You only have to go to bed once more and it's there...actually time to start getting "tidy as f**k", ready for the CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party. The most eagerly awaited shindig on the planet. 

Until then, sell your soul with a partner and a couple of dumbbells...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 16mins, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Front Rack Walking Lunges
All movements to be completed with two 50/35lbs Dumbbells and with "you go, I go" rounds.

Please post scores to comments...


WoD - Tuesday 26th September, 2017

Loving the energy at the box tonight, as well as the masses of PBs! Awesome effort from all of you guys! 

Kath Shafer, especially, kicked ass! Congrats for that epic C&J and by the looks of it, you have so much more left in the tank!  

Tomorrow's workout has been thrown back and forth, being altered. I honestly didn't think that it was heavy enough for the intended stimulus and so tested tonight with the load that I thought it should be. 
Now please, don't get freaked out by the number, as after's just a number. So long as it feels right (and that actually may feel very wrong) then it doesn't matter what the number is. As after's just a number! 

You should not fail but it should be a challenge. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts (100/70kg)
5 Front Rack Walking Lunges (100/70kg)
15 TTB
5 Front Rack Walking Lunges (100/70kg)

Please put times to the whiteboard...

Accessory Program

Just a quick one. Due to some good and useful feedback, the volume of the accessory program has been reduced so that it doesn't take as long to do and doesn't smash the hell out of you either before or after the workout. Give it a try, keep at it and welcome all the results.

4 x 5 Strict pull ups (no slow decent)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toe stays down
27 Different Squat variants - VIDEO

Superset between Set 2 and 3:
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
10 Russian Lunges per leg - toes come up
27 Different Squat variants

Superset between Set 3 and 4:
10 Hip Extensions
10 Wall Squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep
12 Single leg glute raises

Superset following set 4:
10 Hip Extensions
10 Kip swings (big focus on lats pulling)
10 Wall Squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep

Accountant by day...BADASS by night! 

Accountant by day...BADASS by night! 

WoD - Tuesday 5th September 2017

Just like the sign upstairs says...Overhead squats are eazy!!! And weren't they just?!

Back onto heavy lunging with a slight twist...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

6 Front Rack Walking Lunges
3 Shoulder To Overhead
6 Front Rack Walking Lunges

The aim is to lift as heavy as technique will allow. The same as normal, forward momentum on all lunges. 

Accessory Program 

3 x 5 eccentric pull ups (1s up/7s down - use band if required)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
10 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg stays down
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
1 min Static Ankle Stretch - Barbell or single leg heavy KB. 
1 mins heavy KB bear hug hold
Superset between Set 2 and 3:
10 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg pointing up
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
1 min Static Ankle Stretch - Barbell or single leg heavy KB. 
1 mins heavy KB bear hug hold
Superset following Set 3:
10 thoracic twists per side - bottom of a squat
1min Per leg Single Leg plate ankle stretch (toe on a plate, knee driven forward) - FILM
1 min Static Ankle Stretch - Barbell or single leg heavy KB. 
1 mins heavy KB bear hug hold

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:

10 Kip swings, 5 kips, 5 kipping pull ups
10 Wall Squats to tempo (5 - 1 - 1/Eccentric - Isometric - Concentric (Down - Hold - Up))
5 Narrow stance air squats
10 Wall Squats to tempo (5 - 1 - 1/Eccentric - Isometric - Concentric (Down - Hold - Up))
10 GHD Hip extensions
10 Kip swings, 5 kips, 5 kipping pull ups

Rest as needed between rounds, ensuring that quality of movement can be maintained

Dream Team

Dream Team

WoD - Tuesday 22nd August 2017

Who likes wall balls?? That was about as nasty as I thought it was going to be! 

Remember, in your messy states, that there is a CrossFit Level 1 at the gym this weekend. Therefore the gym will be closed. However, Hannah will be leading a session at Roath Park with some evil dumbbells, you'll love it! 
The good news about it though, is that as soon as you're done you can recover fast with Joe's ice cream! 

The WoD will start at 11am, meet by the wreck/library/park...just look for a group of handsome f**ckers loitering about soon to dominate some fitness. 

Back to tomorrow. It's awesome to see so many of you getting stuck into the accessory program; oh and by the way, in case you hadn't's hard! Tomorrow starts week 2. Don't be afraid to scale back to week one. 


CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Front Rack Walking Lunge
14 - 14 - 14 - 14

Go as heavy as good technique will allow. 

Accessory Program - Week 2
3 x 5 eccentric pull ups (1 second up/7 HONEST down - use band if required)

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
12 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg stays down
30 Wall Toe taps per leg - heels stay down
1 minute heavy KB hold - hug in front, do NOT lean back.

Superset between Set 1 and 2:
12 Russian lunges, per leg, toe of straight leg pointing up
30 Wall hip drives - heels stay down
1 minute heavy KB hold - hug in front, do NOT lean back.

Superset between Set 2 and 3:
12 thoracic twists per side - bottom of a squat
30s of weighted static ankle stretch (barbell for both or KB for each side)
1 minute heavy KB hold - hug in front, do NOT lean back

2 Rounds not for time, but for form of:
5 Kip swings plus 1 kip (big focus on lats pulling)
10 Slow decent Wall squats - an honest 5 seconds down/1 up with a biiiiiig butt squeeze. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BUUUUURN.
8 GHD eccentric Hip extensions (8 seconds down/fast as possible up - to a controlled and correct superman position) 
5 Kip swings plus 1 kip - like a kip swing sandwich


WoD - Tuesday 25th July, 2017

If you haven't seen them, get your assess upstairs to sit those peachy behinds on the new palate sofas. They are bad ass dude to the amazing skills of Sam Price, master of the sowing machine! Man they look good!

Just still be slightly wary of getting splinters, the sanding process is still to be completed.

Thank you Sam, not only do they look legit, but Ash will be spending his days stealing the internet and sleeping on the bad boys!!


CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds For time of:

8 Bar Muscle ups

4 Front Rack Walking Lunges (80/60kg)

8 Burpess

4 Front Rack Walking Lunges (80/60kg)

Make the lunges heavy and hard!

Please post times to the whiteboard...


WoD - Tuesday 4th April 2017

Well that had a significant stimulus and was gangs of "fun!" I hope you are all recovering from the weekend and ready to embark on a new summer glute quest. 

As you will have seen, the "chill out" room has be re-located to the balcony. This is due to Cardiff Krav Maga utilising the space to run classes. They have amalgamated with us at the gym and shall be teaching classes on the main floor from 8pm onwards. Please help them to integrate into our community, they will bring with them a new avenue for you bad asses to potentially let off some steam should you wish. 

From now on, we shall be having you guys walk into the door on the left-hand side of the box so as you can head straight upstairs. Merely come back down the same way and enter the gym as you normally would. 
Before too long, I will be planning of having a easier and far cooler method of accessing the viewing platform, but please bare with me as it will take a lot of work. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

A: 3 sets of 20 GHD Hip Ext

B: Front Rack Walking Lunges
10 - 10 - 10 - 10

Goooooood luck! Please post loads to the white board...