Viewing entries tagged
Cal Row

WoD - Friday 4th October, 2019

WoD - Friday 4th October, 2019

So…now who’s legs are feeling a little like jelly?!

It may appear that I have punished them this week, and that’s true, but each day has had a different function. From squatting to pulling to lunging, all attack slightly different muscle groups sure, in differing ways due to the time domains of each workout. Really though, who cares?? Not the real world. Gone are the days when anyone think’s that weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and cardio on Tuesday and Thursday will get you fit. That pain you feel, that’s getting you fit!

With that in mind, have a bit of redundancy

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time: 
50 Calorie Row
100 Double Unders
50 Pull Ups
25 Overhead Squat (60/40kg)
50 Pull Ups   
100 Double Unders
50 Calorie Row

Chip away and get those times up to the whiteboard on completion of a tough week…

Liv dd.jpg

WoD - Friday 17th August, 2018

WoD - Friday 17th August, 2018

Finally, it's Friday. Come in, smash yourselves with a cool assed finale to the Buddy Buddy week. 

Remember, morning dwellers you will be unaffected. Those of you lot planning to make your Friday night a special occasion for those buddies of yours, remember the timings posted below:

Open Gym: 15:00 - 18:00
Shit loads of cool fun and frolics with barbells and stuff: 18:00 - END
Town for lots more fun but now with beer: END - THE VERY END

Everyone is welcome, get your ass down to have it kicked all over the jazz! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
50 Cal Row
40 Front Squats (20/15kg)
30 Burpees
20 Pull Ups
10 Box Jump Overs (30/24")

The above is the workout for the 06:30 class. Adjustments to the same workout will be made for the evening. 

As always, put your times on the whiteboard and send me a double biceps front group picture...

Doube bicepts Front Cropped2.jpg

WoD - Wednesday 23rd May, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 23rd May, 2018

I know i'm stating the obvious, but just incase you weren't quite sure, performing a workout that includes thrashing yourself on the assault bike, and doing 150 wall balls, the day before you do Reverse DT with Wall a mistake. It's been a while since the pain in my quads has woken me from sleep. Such a satisfying and thoroughly unadvised feeling! 

Now, Jack, Jonny, Dave and I trialed this workout last Friday. Jack and Jonny (Davies, from Swansea), enjoyed it so much they were keen to see it programmed. Altered ever so slightly, obviously for the "better", demonstrating just why you should never trust a skinny chef! 

Enjoy all, the aptly christened..."Heartburn Hell"

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

‘Heartburn Hell’
3 Rounds, each for time:
50 Double Unders
25/20 Cal Row
20/15 Cal AB
15 Bar Over Burpees
Rest 6mins between rounds

Each round is an all out sprint, no pacing required, go bonkers each round and relish in the elongated rest period. You may require another 6mins before being capable of writing your times for each round, on the whiteboard...but please do!  

In addition, today sees the five year anniversary of the death of Lee Rigby. Below is a tribute to Lee and the workout which I designed to honour his life. Do not do this in addition to Wednesday's programming, as you will never be able to give it the effort that it deserves, however, should you wish to group together on Sunday, please feel free. 

Drummer Lee Rigby of the 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers was 25 years of age, described as being humorous, generous and loving. “His family meant everything to him, he was a loving son, husband, father, brother and uncle – and a friend to many.” He tragically died on the 22nd of May 2013 in an attack close to his home barracks. Drummer Rigby, 25, from Manchester, leaves behind a two-year-old son; Jack, his mother and his step-father and two sisters.

Gone but brother, we shall never forget. Rest In Peace.

For Time:
22 Cal Row
25 Squat Cleans (40kg/30kg)
22 Double Unders
25 Bar-hop burpees
22 Double Unders 25 Push Press (40kg/30kg)
22 Double Unders
25 Pull Ups
22 Cal Row


WoD - Tuesday 3rd April, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 3rd April, 2018


At least for a day, a minute, or enough time to come on into the gym and kick ass in a workout. Shake off from a four day weekend, and relish in the fact that you have had as much time off work, as you have had in work, both last week and this week! Happy! 
The summer is coming, and even though the open is done and dusted for another year, there will still be plenty more to get excited about! What will be next? 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 18 minutes, complete:
40/30 cal row (Buy in)
and then as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Handstand Push Ups
5 Deadlifts (120/80kg)
5 Box Jumps (30”/24”)

Please write your easter egg, kick assed round scores to the whiteboard please...


WoD - Wednesday 22nd November, 2017

So, after four weeks of near death experiences throughout the Partner League, we have come to the final hurrah...this Saturday we will be hosting a Partner style, good old fashion throw down. Two workouts, followed by meat, beer and fun times! 

One workout is known, and one is not (genuinely, we are going to surprise even ourselves).
CrossFit prides itself on preparing their athletes for the known and the knowable, but also the unknown and unknowable. Attempting to prepare everyone for whatever life demands...

On Friday a video will be released, featuring the creators of the Partner League, pulling WoD 6 from the hopper. Lets pray for no ring handstand push ups. 

Read below for the known:

Partner League WoD 5

"CrossFit Cardiff Total"

Establish the heaviest total possible of:

Squat Clean
Hang Squat Snatch
Shoulder to Overhead

Each team will be given a 6min window, per lift, for each athlete to make 3 attempts only. 


10:00 - Begin warming up for WoD 5
10:30 - WoD 5 begins
11:10 - 11:20 - Break
11:20 - 11:30 - Warm up for WoD 6  
11:30 - WoD 6 Begins

*all timings may well change...."everyone has a plan, until punched in the face"

Anyway, break for that excitement and come back to tomorrow...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Rack Walking Lunge
8 - 8 - 8 - 8
Following each set, and as quickly as possible, athletes will row for time: 20/15 calories

Please write loads and times to the whiteboard...


WoD - Friday 6th October, 2017

It's FRIDAY!! Last day of the week and into a kick ass weekend full of fitness and boozy nights! 

Why not kick it off with a cheeky coffee and one of Gibbo's delicious balls?!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within 20mins complete as many rounds and reps of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Press Ups
15 Air Squats

Partners will complete a 20 Cal row before changing from Cindy to the rower. 

Please post scores to the whiteboard...

Ash Vs Gibbos.jpg

WoD - Monday 18th September, 2017

I hope you guys had an awesome weekend, thrusting, squatting, pressing and pull up'ing as well as partying HARD!! 

We are going to kick this week off by welcoming a new group of CrossFit bad asses, freshly off the on ramp. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, kind of similar to a rabbit in the headlights. 
If you see someone fitting this description, grip them and deliver a sweaty, chalky hug! 

If it is just some random dude never mind, he will have a smile on his face for sure afterwards. Ish.



CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

A: Within 4mins and in pairs, get as far as you can in the chipper of:
50 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
50 TTB
50 Cal Row
50 KB Swings (24/20kg)
50 AB Cals
Rest 4mins

Within 8mins, get as far as you can in part A
Rest 4mins

C: Complete Part A, for time.

Partners can split the work anyway they want, with one working at any time. After each rest period, the next section is started from the beginning. 

Please post scores for each section to the whiteboard...

On ramp September.JPG

WoD - Wednesday 13th September, 2017

Please excuse the late release of this post, however it's taken me this long to be able to lift my phone to type it. Shoulders like boulders from 'JT.'

Awesome work and great atmosphere at the gym tonight. Tomorrow we have an entirely different stimulus. And it will be just as "fun!" 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

5 Rounds of: 

Within 2mins complete: 

30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)

Max Cal Row

Rest 4mins 

Once you have stopped sizzling like bacon and peeled yourself up off the floor, please write total reps, per round to the whiteboard.


Don't be surprised if this is what you look like afterwards.

WoD - Wednesday 23rd August 2017

Be VERY careful when attempting stairs...legs and asses may buckle without warning! 

Also, be extremely careful (over the next few days) upstairs, just expect and surface to be wet with paint.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Fight gone bad style:

1min Cal row

1min Push Press (50/35kg)

1min Double Unders

1min hang power cleans (50/35kg)

1min Cal AB

1min rest

3 Rounds for max reps... 

Please post total reps to the whiteboard...



WoD - Tuesday 18th 2017

If any of you see any lost looking soles wandering about the box tomorrow then grab them and welcome them in, the on ramps couldn't take part in FGB due to the bank holiday. So...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

'Fight Gone Bad' 

Three rounds for max reps of:

Wall-ball (20/14lbs)
Sumo deadlift high-pull (35/25kg)
Box Jump (20")
Push-press (35/25kg)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.


Just what you feel like during round three. 

WoD - Wednesday 22nd March 2017

Awesome lifting tonight team. Big weights flying all over the shop! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 18mins complete an EMOM of:
1. 10 Strict Pull Ups
2. 15 Press Ups
3. Row 12/10 Calories

Make the the gymnastics pieces hard, search for honest reps, especially on the press ups. 

Post ticks to the white board...

And soon enough, you'll look like this...just with legs! 

And soon enough, you'll look like this...just with legs!