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Butt cheeks

WoD - Tuesday 3rd September, 2024

WoD - Tuesday 3rd September, 2024

The Air BnB sauna and hot tub hang over is in full effect! I need to get both and fast! Not being able to get up out of bed and drink a coffee while my sauna is heating up SUCKS!

All I have to do to achieve this is to start crapping money!

You’ll feel like you’ve been in a sauna after doing tomorrows workout! Just wait for the explanation.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 minute max distance row
Rest 5 minutes

5 Rounds for max distance
1 Minute row
1 Minute rest between rounds
Rest 5 minutes

10 Rounds for max distance
30 Second row
30 Second rest between rounds
Rest 5 minutes

20 Rounds for max distance
15 Second row
15 Second rest between rounds

5 Sets
‘X’ rep bar muscle up
Rest 1:00 between
X = 10-20% of 5:00 bmu test

For 8 rounds, every 45s
1 - 3 Strict toes to bar

3 Sets
8 Incline bent over row + 3s negative each rep
10/10 Dumbbell rollbacks
20 - 25 GHD sit ups

WoD - Thursday 22nd August, 2019

WoD - Thursday 22nd August, 2019

Every time Ash programs I get the impression that rather than attempt to develop your fitness, he’s just focused on trying to make you lot look good on the beach. A human sculptor if you like, just not a weird one! Well…ish!
He obviously has your best intentions at heart, but is just utterly unconcerned with your bank balance due to providing the requirement for you to be forced to buy yet another pair of jeans.

Anyway, hopefully you lot are all reading this with intact hands!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back rack walking lunges
10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10

That is a lot of arse DOMs right there! Grab a marker and get those times on the board please!
