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WoD - Wednesday 1st February, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 1st February, 2023

Pinch, punch… can you F’ing believe that it is the first of the month already. BONKERS! I will be throwing shots back in your faces at the Xmas party before you know it.

Keep your eyes peeled for the details for the CrossFit Cardiff 12th birthday ass kicking this coming weekend. 12 years is so much worse than saying it’s the 1st of Feb. Nut’s how fast thats gone too!

Some history for you, the picture below was taken on our opening day when I realised that I had forgotten to buy a fucking sign! 🤦🏻‍♂️ We actually didn’t have one for the first 3 years! 😂😂

Remember team… it’s not cherry season!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 rounds each for time of:
500m Row
Rest 1 minute

WoD - Monday 23rd November, 2020

WoD - Monday 23rd November, 2020

On your second birthday (or 14th in doggo years) what would be better than having a cheeky lay in, followed by a relaxed morning allowing you to feel energised ready to hit the beach HARD with your buddies, sprinting after a ball for hoooooooours!

The only thing that would top it off would be to have a cheek nap and a little bit of very special chateaubriand steak, provided to you by your favourite central Cardiff establishment.

Carlsberg don’t make dog’s birthdays, but if they did…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds of within 2 minutes: 
1 round of:
12 Deadlift
9 Hang power clean
6 Shoulder to overhead
In the remaining time max bar facing burpees 

Rest 4 minutes between rounds 

Get those completed reps up to the whiteboard…

Oppo 2nd.jpg

WoD - Monday 17th February, 2020

WoD - Monday 17th February, 2020

What better way is there to spend valentines weekend then throwing down with a bunch of your buddies?! Hell of a day that. Thank you all for showing your support and giving both those workouts and the walkabout dance floor a good thrashing!
The 10 year celebration is going to be something else!

Please see below for possibly the greatest picture that Sash Shots has ever taken.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time: 
30 Ring muscle ups
60 Dumbbell overhead squat (50/35lbs)*

* 30 reps can be split per arm as athletes see fit.

Times up on the board please…

Met Con

5 Rounds each for time: 
Sprint 200m
Rest 6 minutes between efforts 

Oppo Catch.JPG

WoD - Friday 14th February, 20120

WoD - Friday 14th February, 20120

In doing these hero workouts, I am exposing myself to things that I haven’t done in a long arsed time, running 10 miles as a part of a workout for example (I have actually never done that), something that 15 years ago I could’ve happily done before breakfast. Genuinely without feeling anything the next day.
That might be seen to some as a negative. I’m sure the 15 year difference hasn’t helped, yet what is more likely is that these days I am not a specialist. Which, is a big bonus.
Running, pull ups, press ups, carrying heavy shit a long way was my bread and butter. Being held in high regard as being “fit”, so much fitness was outside of my comfort zone! That is the beauty of CrossFit.

The smartest of the British Military know that, and, have embraced it. Likely propelling some seriously strong willed men and women into seriously tough folk!

Either all of that, or my Rhabdo has taken hold of me and these are my last dying words! Apart from…


ARRIVE: 09:45
Briefing: 10:00
FIRST WOD: 10:30

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 5 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Power cleans (80/55kg)
50 Double unders

Rest 5 mins

Within 5 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Back squats (80/55kg)
10 Ring dips

Scores…you know what to do!

Met Con

5 rounds for time:
20/15 Calorie row
15 Pull ups

See above…


WoD - Wednesday 5th February, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 5th February, 2020

Well that went fast! Tomorrow marks the 9th year of CrossFit Cardiff in operation. On Saturday the 5th of February, without a sign (stayed that way for at least 3 years) the doors to a unit that would literally change peoples lives opened.
It is genuinely difficult to write about all that has happened over the course of nearly a decade, but, many folk have gotten really fit, cured their selves of conditions and ailments, saved relationships…created relationships. Experienced extreme discomfort, through workouts and hang overs! My punctuation has gotten a little better (you can teach a Marine anything see…😳) and I can change a toilet roll or the batteries of a concept two monitor in world record time! Thank you all for helping me to grow!

Roll on Saturday the 15th where we will celebrate in style.

Here’s to another decade of fun filled fitness!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for reps
Within 8 minutes
Run 600m
In the remaining time EMOM:
6 burpee box over (30/24”)

Get your birthday scores up to the board please…

Maybe an arrow might have helped

Maybe an arrow might have helped

WoD - Tuesday 5th February, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 5th February, 2019

As some say around these parts…Penblwydd Hapus you lovely buggers you!!

8 long years ago I opened the doors of CrossFit Cardiff (albeit a different door to where we currently are), very tired and very afraid that: it would all fail; no one one show up; and if they did they would likely die if they decided to use one of the GHDs that I had finished building at 3 o’clock that morning. A significant number of bolts were currently residing in the bush outside.

But I need not have worried, the place was packed, from start to finish. People came from all over the country to see our little box, throw down with us and drink a beer or ten. Fight Gone Bad, my first ever workout, and the first that was ever coached at the gym. Utter carnage ensued. Not just for that day but for the next 8 years, we have all learnt, grown, succeeded and failed, but are still smiling and trying to improve.

We are truly blessed to have such an amazing box, full of utter legends doing wonderful things on a daily basis! And because of that place, I wake up everyday feeling safe.
Thank you all, drink a beer or ten! Here’s to another year of happiness.

Apologies if the above is a little disjointed, I have a possessed puppy who is currently running rings around me.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds for Time of: 
10 Handstand Push Ups 
10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups 

Please write your beach body creating times to the whiteboard…

The Affiliate Agreement Sent

The Affiliate Agreement Sent

The Plan

The Plan

Day 1

Day 1

Fight Gone Bad

Fight Gone Bad