Viewing entries tagged
Bank Holiday

WoD - Monday 20th May, 2024

WoD - Monday 20th May, 2024

Happy Monday all! I hope you have all had epic weekends, basking in the sunshine!

Please remember that the gym is closed this coming weekend for a CrossFit Level 2, giving you enough time to rest in preparation for Murph on Bank Holiday Monday. Details will be posted to follow.

In the meantime, enjoy some destruction at the vile hand of Mikey B!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 12 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
3 Wall walks
6 Bar muscle ups
9 Deadlift (120/90kg)

Told you! The man loves a wall walk!

WoD - Bank Holiday Monday, 6th May, 2024

WoD - Bank Holiday Monday, 6th May, 2024

Happy bank holiday you lovely lot. I hope you have had a good weekend in the sunshine (finely), long may it continue. Come in and get rid of that hang over with a vile sprint workout… after lifting some tin that is…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 15 minutes:
Complete a 1RM power clean

For 5 rounds, each for time, every 90s
10/8 Calorie echo bike
2 Power clean*

*85% of 1RM and must be touch and go

WoD - Monday 8th May, 2023

WoD - Monday 8th May, 2023

Evening all! Here’s to hoping that you all had a good time over the weekend and DID NOT vomit in my gym during the beer mile! And, if you did vomit outside, I won’t be slipping over in it when next coming to the box. 😉

Remember, thanks to the new King, lots of you have the day off tomorrow! It is a bank holiday. The timings of the gym’s opening hours are up on team up and are below:

Monday May 8th Bank Holiday
WoD: 10:00 - 11:00
Open Gym: 11:00 - 13:00

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
15/12 Calorie assault bike
25ft Single arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge (50/35lbs)
10 Burpees
25ft Single arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge (50/35lbs)
These are you go, I go rounds.

WoD - Monday 29th August, 2022

WoD - Monday 29th August, 2022

The last (I think) bank holiday of the year! Talk to me, is that true? The Scottish ones don’t count!

The timings are different for tomorrow’s classes, as per using for a bank holiday. CHECK TEAM UP AND BOOK INTO CLASS!

Happy camping legends!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For Load:
Front Rack Walking Lunge
14 - 12 - 10 - 8

Get those glutes stacked and enjoy your day!

WoD - Bank Holiday Monday 5th April, 2021

WoD - Bank Holiday Monday 5th April, 2021

Here’s to hoping that you lot had a bad assed bank holiday weekend, and that you are attending our Bank holiday (TIMINGS BELOW) with an absolute corker of a hang over! DO IT!


Lastly, before you he’d back off to drink even more beer…have a cheeky look at this cool arsed website for me please…


It will tell you all you need to know about a cool event that you should certainly get behind, set to go ahead on the 10th of this month, Saturday.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Bar facing burpees

Empty barbell
Dumbbell: 20/15kg
Kettlebell: 24/16kg
Rucksack: 20/15kg

That will sort you right out!

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WoD - Bank holiday Monday 31st August, 2020

WoD - Bank holiday Monday 31st August, 2020

Evening legends, I hope you guys are loving your extended bank holiday weekends, enjoying some fun in the “sun!” However, before you head “out” (the new out out) to your living room to utterly smashed in front of the telly, please could you complete the latest monkey survey that we have posted. If you are reading this, just click here. If you are absorbing this information by osmosis, then please refer back to the FB members group, where the link was also posted.

Please remember, that we have our normal bank holiday timings in place tomorrow:
WoD: 10:00 - 11:30

RID YOURSELF OF THAT HANGOVER EVIL with some beautiful intervals. Who doesn’t love one of them?!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For 5 rounds, in 3 mins:
Row 500m
Max burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Rest 6 mins between rounds

Please write your reps per rounds up to the whiteboard…

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