Viewing entries tagged
Assault Bike Calorie

WoD - Monday 16th September, 2019

WoD - Monday 16th September, 2019

Happy Monday all! This is an important post. Please read on with reference to the adjusted timetable for tomorrow and Tuesday

Private Police Event
Please see below for the adjusted timings, scheduled for classes this coming Monday/Tuesday
06:00 - 07:00 AM WoD Class
12:00 Metcon: CANCELLED
15:00 - 16:30: Open Gym: CANCELLED
17:00 - 18:00: WoD Class
18:00 - 19:00: WoD Class
19:00 - 20:00: WoD Class

06:00 - 07:00 AM WoD Class
09:30 - 10:30: WoD Class: CANCELLED
12:00 - 12:45: Metcon: CANCELLED
15:00 - 16:30: Open Gym: CANCELLED
17:00 - 18:00: WoD Class
18:00 - 19:00: WoD Class
19:00 - 20:00: WoD Class

Timings return to normal from Wednesday you utter bunch of studs! This week Conroy has the reigns and he is being pretty evil! 😬

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 rounds each for time:
Run 200m
20/15 Assault bike calories
Rest 8 mins between rounds


WoD - Tuesday 28th May, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 28th May, 2019

Right back at you after a cheeky bank holiday with a gnarly little mid distance sprint. Elegant and beautifully brutal, this will punch you right in the respective reproductive organs!

Good luck!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 9 minutes of:
3 Ring Muscle ups
6 Strict Handstand Push Ups
9 Calorie Assault Bike

Scores to the whiteboard please…



WoD - Bank Holiday Monday, 6th May, 2019

WoD - Bank Holiday Monday, 6th May, 2019

Right then you légende’s, remember to fully enjoy your sunny Bank Holiday Monday by coming into class at 11:00am, kicking your own arses into gear and riding yourselves of some brutal Super Sunday Session hang overs with an utter disgusting workout, prior to hopping on the struggle bus to super, duper flex strong town with Yoga at 12!

Then, crawl back under the rock from once you came and rest up until Tuesday! Easy!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for maximum calories of:
Within 2 mins:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Bar Hop Burpees
Max Calorie Row
Rest 6 minutes between rounds

Good luck with those hang overs! Get the total calories rowed, per round on the whiteboard before heading off to eat your body weight in Ben and Jerrys. Or preferably, Joe’s!


WoD - Wednesday 6th February, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 6th February, 2019

So then, how many of you are hung over after going out and getting absolutely rat arsed on your 8th Birthday?! No, ah of course, you are all preparing to crush the world in the open right?! Well in order to do so you have to actually sign up to the thing…come on, it’s $20, nothing hey! Get amongst it!

It’s the only way to get fully involved in the fitness fun with your fellow teammates.

The team is 14 strong so far, we have 50 to beat! I know you glorious bastards can do it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

6 Round Each for time:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike*

Rest 4 mins between efforts

*1 min max time cap on each round.


WoD - Thursday 17th January, 2019

WoD - Thursday 17th January, 2019

All those who love an inverted burpee, and most importantly…hold your hands up high!! 🙋🏻‍♂️

Almost boringly now, we revert to some slightly more conventional movements, although don’t worry. It’s going to hurt! Not only because it contains the wonderful Assault Bike, because and for some reason unknown, Conner’s has decided to give the workout a name…and they are always the worst!

Speaking of Conners, due to the gym being closed for the CrossFit Training L1 this weekend, he will be leading a park workout, following a game of warm up touch rugby, at Roath park. Meeting at the wreck for 10:00am, PLEASE PLEASE, could you go to the post on the Facebook members page on and comment if you plan to attend.
What with Yoga on Sunday night (5:30 - 6:30pm) you will be set.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Posterior punisher 
5 Rounds of: 1 round every 5 minutes
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
7 Kettlebell Snatch (R - 24/16kg)
7 Kettlebell Snatch (L - 24/16kg)
10 Pistol Squat (alternate)
10 GHD Hip Extensions 

Rest the remainder of the 5 minute window

There will be a strict time cap on the Assault Bike, so cycle hard and fast, and if you still have some minerals left, write your times up on the whiteboard, but if you don’t, do it anyway…

hands up.png

WoD - Thursday 20th December, 2018

WoD - Thursday 20th December, 2018

So close I can nearly taste the chippy alley battered “sausage”. Whether it actually is a sausage full of quality pork won’t really matter by that stage, maybe it ends up being lips and bum holes; cheeks or maybe even just a flat out rat. Either way, it will be delicious and definitely not nutritious! And you will be so drunk, you won’t care!

But, there is something more important than that, the birthday of one of our own. Unfortunately Ben will not be able to share his special day with us tomorrow but we all wish him the best and are thinking of him. Your day can be any.

When you next see him next, wish him the very best, but…remind him that those ass bike calories are going no where!
Happy Birthday buddy.

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

‘The Eagle has Landed’
Teams of 3
Complete as many rounds within 20 minutes of:
12 Deadlifts (140/100kg)
19 Ring Muscle Ups
90/65 Cal Ass Bike
28 Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
*split work as needed

Please write completed rounds and reps to the whiteboard…

Is he naked???

Is he naked???

WoD - Wednesday 12th December, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 12th December, 2018

I hope you got a decent swole on today team, one of the last chances in 2018. Before you begin the bulking season ready for the cold, cold winter days! Nothing wrong with that.
Rumour has it that Luke and Alfie are looking to break the 55kg mark on the scales…wet out of the shower with a massive Santa Claws belt buckle on. You’ve got it lads!

As a reminder to you all. There is a CrossFit Kids Seminar at the gym this weekend. As a result there will be no classes or open gym throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday however, there is a kick ass WoD planned for Sunday afternoon. Now for those of you who braved the last Sunday class, you know what that means!! Evilness!

Sunday WoD: 16:30 (4:30pm to the none Mil types)

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Three rounds of:
Assault Bike Calories
Air Squats
GHD Sit-ups
Double Unders
Dumbbell Hang Clean &Jerks (50/35lbs - alternate arms)
Complete as many reps as possible of each movement, within 1 minute.
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Please record total reps of each round to the whiteboard…

scared emoji.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 9th October, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 9th October, 2018

Now even though this abuse will officially stem from last week’s “assault,” I can’t really see how tonight will be (I am writing this pre, yet you are reading it post) any different at all.

My prediction will be that Nick may well gain a significant amount of burpees in round one, and possibly not actually be able to complete rounds four or five.
I even took the liberty, last week, of taking a couple of pictures of Nick, post workout. Which, has really all I need for any class involving those amazing machines.

Nick, please comment below and tell me that I was wrong…I can tell the future!

If I haven’t confused the living hell out of you then I will be mighty impressed. Back to the present…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

In teams of 3 and for time:
15 rounds:
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Toes To Bar
20/15 Calorie row

These are you go, I go rounds.

Please write completed times and inventive team names to the whiteboard…
