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Ass Bikes

WoD - Wednesday 6th February, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 6th February, 2019

So then, how many of you are hung over after going out and getting absolutely rat arsed on your 8th Birthday?! No, ah of course, you are all preparing to crush the world in the open right?! Well in order to do so you have to actually sign up to the thing…come on, it’s $20, nothing hey! Get amongst it!

It’s the only way to get fully involved in the fitness fun with your fellow teammates.

The team is 14 strong so far, we have 50 to beat! I know you glorious bastards can do it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

6 Round Each for time:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike*

Rest 4 mins between efforts

*1 min max time cap on each round.


WoD - Wednesday 10th October, 2018

WoD - Wednesday 10th October, 2018

All that and he didn’t even show up. Thats okay, I get it and just love a good cherry myself. I mean you can do lots with them hey?! Bake cakes, chuck them in a crumble, or…avoid disgusting workouts that you just don’t want to do by picking them! ;-)

Not to worry though, Aris rocked up and did not disappoint. In fact, he has clearly gained the title of the Drop Off King. Swooping in and effortlessly stealing the title from Nick - not even present to defend himself - by the condition caused by ALL the effort in round one of the workout.
Certainly going from 24 burpees in round one, to 9 CALORIES in round two is very impressive!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many reps as possible in 5 mins of:
10 Wall balls (20/14lbs)
5 Sumo Deadlift Hight Pull (60/40kg)
Rest 5 mins
Complete as many reps as possible in 5 mins of:
10 Shoulder To Overhead (40/30kg)
50 Double unders

Please write each AMRAP’s completed scores to the whiteboard…
