Told you she was good! Nutrition doesn’t, isn’t complicated! Eat real food, it’s as “simple” as that! Doesn’t mean it’s easy to do, but it is that simple.
The best advice to start is to scale it, implement manageable changes, one at a time until a habit is built. Maybe on Monday you eat one meal where none of your ingredients come from a packet with a food label. Progress to your breakfast for Monday, Wednesday and Friday utilising the same approach. Step by step you build a new lifestyle, focused around health and well being. And in doing so, you will progress in all physical endeavours. Not just CrossFit.
What is stopping you? Most people have no idea how good their bodies are designed to feel. It is genuinely the very best way to move the needle!
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 15 minutes of:
5 Devil Press (50/35lbs)
10 Calorie row
5 Sandbag squats (50/35kg)*
Rest some and then:
L-Sit Hold
Rest 1 minute
Handstand Hold/Taps
Rest 1 minute
Ab mat sit-ups
*these are anyhow squats. Get the sandbag up, somewhere off the floor and squat the heavy bastard.
Scores up please!
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 15 minutes of:
100m Dumbbell farmers carry
10 Dumbbell hang clean
10 Dumbbell push press
Recommended dumbbell load (50/35lbs)
Rounds and reps up to the whiteboard please you lovely lot!