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WoD - Friday 24th February, 2023

WoD - Friday 24th February, 2023

That super special, I’m in the CrossFit Games Open Friday feeling! Sucks doesn’t it! 😉

Still, in no time you will be done and dusted, two thirds of your way through and sipping hot coffee somewhere cool and prepping to watch Wales come one step closer to that prestigious award… 🪵🥄

Have an amazing weekend!!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Split Jerks:
3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1

WoD - Thursday 23rd February, 2023

WoD - Thursday 23rd February, 2023

It is over, the second long awaited open workout comes out tonight. Affording you lot ample time to sweat, ponder and attempt to come up with a plan to destroy Tia (Nicole beat her apparently and is gunning for a 2 - 0 score count). I don’t know about you, but my money is on Rolo!

By the way, I’m going to put it out there, you can choose to take it or you can throw it right back… tomorrow’s workout is going to hurt!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
30 - 20 - 10
Calorie row
Double dumbbell hang snatch (50/35lbs)

3 Sets of:
1 Power snatch (just above parallel)

3 Sets of:
1 Squat snatch

WoD - Wednesday 22nd February, 2023

WoD - Wednesday 22nd February, 2023

And so the hype begins, tomorrow sees the release of 22.2. Who knows what it will be, what movements will be used or whether the weights will be correct. One thing I do know is that the standards will be almost impossible to understand! 😉 JOKES. Don’t stress about it anyway, we are likely to have programmed the same movements the day before anyhow. Plenty of time to practice.

Below is a picture of Bee, little did she know but precisely 101 hours after this was taken she’d get her foot trapped in an assault bike! In a way that no one else ever had before… pathfinder!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Working for 3 minutes complete
35/25 Calorie assault bike
Max sandbag over shoulder (50/35kg)
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Continue until 50 reps have been competed

WoD - Monday 20th February, 2023

WoD - Monday 20th February, 2023

Alright alright, alright… the first week of the open is done and dusted, with a shit load of cakes left behind to buy… do it! It’s for a good cause.

We had an awesome morning with a load of you pulling some stellar performances out of the bag, a very well done!

Now then, DO NOT drop the ball… all scores are to be submitted by tomorrow (MONDAY) night, 8PM (no exceptions) They will all be validated by Tuesday morning, done in a oner.

Onwards and upwards to 23.2. Now then mark my words, the next two workouts (of the open) will be way more painful than 23.1.

Below is a picture of Nicole, little did she know but precisely 168 hours after this was taken she’d be telling me to fuck right off! 😂😂

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
For time:
100 Air squats
80 Chest to bar
60 GHD sit ups
40 Ring dips
200 Double unders