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WoD - Thursday 22nd December, 2022

WoD - Thursday 22nd December, 2022

We are nearly there! The big day is almost upon us and the big man will soon be getting himself ready to eat a lot of shit and drink even more. Just don’t do it yet!!

It must be getting close to Xmas, Mikey B was talking about xmas shopping earlier!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
‘Open workout 12.3’
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps (24/20”)
12 Push press (50/35kg)
9 Toes to bar

For max load:
1 Power clean
1 Squat clean

These are touch and go reps

WoD - Wednesday 13th February, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 13th February, 2019

Now come on ladies, you need to keep up with the gents here. At a CrossFit Games Open sign up of 24 so far, only 6 of you are lovely females. Now the very last thing that we want this to be is a ginormous sausagefest, pleeeeease!

Sign up to the Open you rat bags, come on…I know it’s only because your scared! But there is really no need to be, us men will go easy on you. You know, let you win a workout or two.
Lads, you have to be with me on this, otherwise they won’t sign up. You can’t just thrash the ladies in every workout - let them have at least one.

I wonder if at this point my email go crazy with female membership cancellations or, the reverse psychology works and our open sign ups go through the roof?!

Anyway, are we closer to figuring out the week’s structure yet…no…I don’t blame you, there isn’t one!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box Jumps (24/20”)
12 Push Press (50/35kg)
9 Toes To Bar

I hope you don’t have to do this with one arm, like I had to in 2012. Sucks that way, it turns out. Kick your own ass from the previous attempt and get your rounds and reps up in red on the whiteboard…


WoD - Tuesday 19th June, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 19th June, 2018

I am merely presuming that some of you can actually get out of bed today, and therefore stand some sort of chance of coming to the box to tackle another workout after yesterday. Hopefully, you were all smart enough to do your nano's up tight enough to not have to bother bending down to tie the laces, but still get through the day.

Maybe some of you who are less experienced tied your shoes tight before training today and so are therefore planning on wearing said trainers all week!

For those of you who simply laughed in the face of a billion deadlifts, we have a cheeky re-test of an open workout for you guys. That is of course, if your socks are as sweaty as mine...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD


Within 18 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
15 Box jumps (24/20")
12 Push Press (50/35kg)
9 Toes To Bar

If you have been CrossFitting for long enough please check your previous score (mine was 305 with a scale), but if not, get a new one on the whiteboard...

shoes on in bed.jpg